Nigerians react to Senator Abbo’s assault on nursing mother

One of the top trending issues in the last 48 hours in Nigeria’s cyberspace is the release of a video showing Senator Elisha Ishaku Abbo of Adamawa North Senatorial District assaulting a woman. The video shows the senator assaulting the woman after she pleaded with him not to physically assault the shop owner whom the […]

Nigerians react to Senator Abbo’s assault on nursing mother

Senator Elisha Abbo.

One of the top trending issues in the last 48 hours in Nigeria’s cyberspace is the release of a video showing Senator Elisha Ishaku Abbo of Adamawa North Senatorial District assaulting a woman.

The video shows the senator assaulting the woman after she pleaded with him not to physically assault the shop owner whom the senator had accused of insulting him. He then turned his attention to her and began to assault her, and hitting her in the eyes.

His actions have sparked a lot of reactions from different quarters with Nigerians calling for his prosecution.

Reacting on Facebook, Allison Young wrote “Sen Ishaku Abbo, you are indeed a flop to the Nigerian Senate”.

“You will not finish this tenure, trust me. You have offended women”, wrote Ajakaiye Fatima Abimbola.

On the contrary, Godiya Andrew commented “Everyone has suddenly become a saint and everybody is now a judge, even those who beat their wives at home”.

She added “If they are asked to honestly count the number of wrongs they did on or before now, some of them will lose count.”

Expressing her solidarity for the senator, she concluded “We love you Senator Ishaku Abbo. We will never give up on you”.

Twitterville was not left out as people also expressed their opinion on how they felt about the incident.

Victoria @Vickie_ben tweeted “You have no right to hit a woman no matter who she is. People of your kind don’t create a good image of young leaders. You need to work on yourself; you acted like a wild animal that ran away from the zoo” #senatorstepdown

“I heavily condemn the violent attack by Elisha Abbo on a female sales rep. Nobody deserves to be humiliated. I don’t know why he got so mad! Being a senator requires a level of comportment and self-control. This man here is an embarrassment! I won’t stand for this! #SENATORSTEPDOWN”, Regina_drs @DrsRegina tweeted.

T-direction @ataiwo88 stated that the senator should be jailed for his actions. He tweeted “He should be jailed for his action. #ElishaAbboMustPay #ElishaAbboMustGo #senatorstepdown”

Expressing anger at his actions, Komolafe Fortune @Bkfortunee wrote “Just imagine she came out to say the senator physically assaulted her because she said “Oga take it easy”. Without the CCTV footage, some of our egbons that don’t think before talking would have said she made up the story #senatorstepdown #SenatorElishaAbbo”

Instagram users were not left out of the matter as they used that as a means to state their opinions.

mumconfessions commented “Robust response indeed. Can you imagine what would have happened if the CCTV wasn’t voice enabled? I’m just thankful we heard the conversation #senatorstepdown”

“I don’t believe the crap he is saying. I hope justice prevails”, odigiehis wrote.

therealmrsjones1509 added “They should add lying to the crime, whether or not you were senator, that is abuse and it’s a crime. Which sister was beaten to a pulp? Arrest him and his lying mouth”.