Nigeria’s bitter harvest: A society lost to political dishonesty, betrayal and injustice

Umar Ardo PhD   At the heart of every failing nation there are found fundamental issues of political dishonesty, betrayal and injustice by those in power. It is a nation where leaders turn against their own and where the principles of justice, fairness and integrity are eroded by greed, self-interest and betrayal. In the realm […]

Nigeria’s bitter harvest: A society lost to political dishonesty, betrayal and injustice
Nigeria’s bitter harvest: A society lost to political dishonesty, betrayal and injustice

Umar Ardo PhD


At the heart of every failing nation there are found fundamental issues of political dishonesty, betrayal and injustice by those in power. It is a nation where leaders turn against their own and where the principles of justice, fairness and integrity are eroded by greed, self-interest and betrayal.

In the realm of our national politics, where power is coveted and alliances forged only for the sake of gaining power, there exists a dark underbelly that often goes unnoticed; acts of political dishonesty, betrayal and injustice! These are not only condoned, but also perpetuated by individual power holders against their fellow citizens, thereby shattering trust for the pursuit of personal gains, thus eclipsing the values of fairness and compassion in society. Within society, webs of deceit are spun by leaders with calculated precision, leaving unsuspecting citizens entangled in their intricate threads. The promise of justice, accountability and transparency is hence a mere illusion, shattered by the self-serving interests of those who seek and hold onto power at any cost. While friends turn into foes, alliances crumble as the pursuit of personal gain takes precedence over the collective welfare.

In this society, the seeds of dishonesty and injustice find fertile ground to thrive. The very institutions meant to protect the vulnerable are weaponised against them, perpetuating a cycle of oppression and betrayal. The marginalised and voiceless are left to suffer, their pleas for justice falling on deaf ears. The powerful exploit their positions, manipulating the system to ensure their own impunity, while the innocent bear the weight of their transgressions.

Once a beacon of hope and unity, Nigeria now stands divided by the scars of political dishonesty, betrayal and injustice. The pillars of democracy, meant to uphold the rights and aspirations of the people, have crumbled under the weight and manipulation of these vices. Within this broken system, individuals exploit their positions of power just to make their ends meet, disregarding the welfare of the nation and inflicting immeasurable harm on innocent citizens.

In this society, the cries of the oppressed reach a deafening crescendo. Lives are shattered, dreams extinguished and futures stolen in the pursuit of personal gains of politicians. The marginalised and vulnerable bear the brunt of this systemic injustice, while the dishonest perpetrators go unpunished. The very fabric of society is torn apart, leaving a legacy of bitterness and despair in its wake. As it is, every act of political dishonesty, betrayal and injustice inflicts a deep wound on the fabric of Nigerian society. The individuals and groups who fall victim to such acts daily carry the scars of their betrayal, forever haunted by the cruelty they experienced at the hands of those they once trusted. The collective soul of the society erodes, leaving behind a trail of disillusioned and disenchanted citizens. This is society today created by the Nigerian political class.

It is to this society that the cries of the people must be made to echo through the corridors of power, begging for redemption so that this dangerous trend is not only halted but also reversed. It is to this end that I am writing this piece to explore the urgent need for President Bola Tinubu to stand up and address this dark narrative, to restore hope and justice for the oppressed if the country must not be engulfed in a conflagration.

In times of darkness, true leaders emerge to guide their nations towards the light. President Tinubu, as the leader of the country and the fulcrum of influence and power, possesses the opportunity to rewrite the narrative of Nigeria. It is his duty to rise above political considerations and address the deep-rooted issues plaguing the nation. A leader must be the voice for the voiceless, the champion of justice, and the embodiment of justice, honesty and integrity.

I, therefore, implore President Tinubu to heed the call for justice. Nigerians today more than any other time in our recent history yearn for a leader who will tackle the rampant political decay plaguing the society caused by dishonesty, betrayals and injustice of the leadership; they yearn for a president who will restore their faith in the system. I urge the president to create an environment where justice, honesty and integrity truly prevail. Only by standing up against the corrupt practices and ensuring that the guilty are held accountable can we pave the way for a better Nigeria. President Tinubu, the power to change the trajectory of Nigeria lies in your hands. By taking a stand against political dishonesty, betrayal and injustice, you have the opportunity to leave a legacy of change by redefining the ugly situation of our country today.


Ardo wrote from Abuja.