Nigeria’s problem is the elite

The problems of Nigeria are more of the consequences of elite collusion in repression of the masses than tribal and religious schisms. Irrespective of their tribes and religious persuasions, the Nigerian elite live in their cocoons of privileges, power and wealth, and have no qualms in their vicious, remorseless exploitation of the masses. By their […]

Nigeria’s problem is the elite

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The problems of Nigeria are more of the consequences of elite collusion in repression of the masses than tribal and religious schisms. Irrespective of their tribes and religious persuasions, the Nigerian elite live in their cocoons of privileges, power and wealth, and have no qualms in their vicious, remorseless exploitation of the masses. By their deliberate design, a disproportionate number of Nigerians – Christians, Moslems, Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba – are trapped in poverty, ignorance, fear, insecurity, and homelessness.

So, when we dwell on tribe and religion, and not elitism, as the major causes of our socio-economic problems, we are missing the point.

The Nigerian elite are too inextricably bound by political, economic and social interests. In the advancement and protection of these interests, they are totally indifferent to tribe and religion.

Nigeria has the highest concentration of extreme poverty in the world. But, ironically, the Nigerian legislators remain the highest paid in the world. Irrespective of tribe and religion, no Nigerian legislator has ever objected to this unconscionably excessive remuneration.  They remain united in this grand larceny, with a façade of legitimacy.

Similarly, although the constitution makes no provision for it, governors, irrespective of political party, tribal and religious affiliation, continue to appropriate from state government coffers huge sums every month, as security vote.

Lamentably, some of these governors that expropriate this humongous amount of money every month still refuse to pay state government employees their monthly salaries.

The salvation of the Nigerian masses will come once we realise that the feud is between the masses and the elite, not between Igbo, Yoruba and Hausa/Fulani and Moslems and Christians.

Tribal and religious rifts are only necessary and veritable tools of the elite in stoking divisions among the masses.


Tochukwu Ezukanma wrote from Lagos via [email protected]