Ninja-like squirrel escapes the clutches of a hungry hawk

This crafty squirrel told one hungry hawk “nut today” by leaping over the predator to evade its clutches in Jersey City, USA.Using incredible ninja-like reflexes, the potential prey narrowly escaped becoming the bird’s next meal. Initially, the hawk searched the canopy of the tree for its prey, jumping from branch to branch to get a […]

Ninja-like squirrel escapes the clutches of a hungry hawk

This crafty squirrel told one hungry hawk “nut today” by leaping over the predator to evade its clutches in Jersey City, USA.Using incredible ninja-like reflexes, the potential prey narrowly escaped becoming the bird’s next meal. Initially, the hawk searched the canopy of the tree for its prey, jumping from branch to branch to get a better look. Suddenly the bird dived out of sight into the leaves to grab the miniature meal and from nowhere the squirrel leapt out from the branches.