NITDA trains 50 PLWDs on ICT

The five days training, which had in attendance people with different kind of disabilities, was added to many of the numerous human capacity development programmes the agency is embarking to reduce the ICT knowledge gap, according to the agency’s Director General Peter Jack. Jack, who declare the training open on Monday, said the training for the […]

NITDA trains 50 PLWDs on ICT
NITDA trains 50 PLWDs on ICT

The five days training, which had in attendance people with different kind of disabilities, was added to many of the numerous human capacity development programmes the agency is embarking to reduce the ICT knowledge gap, according to the agency’s Director General Peter Jack.
 Jack, who declare the training open on Monday, said the training for the physically challenge in our society would now be an annual programme.
He lamented the lack of social protection for the persons living with disability, saying “this is bad for the economy.”
He said the objective of the programme was not only to “train the vulnerable ones among us but empowered them to make living for themselves with the use of ICT.”
He said, “we are not only going to train you without empowering you. We have concluded arrangement to give you one laptop which you can use to take care of yourselves. ICT is one of the sectors of the economy that with one laptop each, you can be employers of labours.”
He encouraged them to be consider working in the proposed 200, 000 NITDA telecentre which would be a one stop where ICT businesses, corner shop and other business opportunities would be available.
Earlier in his remark, the president of Global Hope and Justice for the Less Privilege Incorporation and the organizer of the 5 days training, Paul Ihekwoaba, said the training would go a long way in addressing some of the issues surrounding youth with disabilities in the area of ICT which is pivotal and in tandem with the current global trend in ensuring an all inclusive human development.