NITDA trains 55 PWDs in ICT

The National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) has trained 55 Nigerians with disabilities in ICT. Speaking in Abuja at the training’s closing ceremony on Friday, the acting Director- General of NITDA, Dr Vincent Olatunji, said the federal government’s new ICT policy would benefit all Nigerians, including physically challenges citizens. According to him, government has many […]

NITDA trains 55 PWDs in ICT

The National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) has trained 55 Nigerians with disabilities in ICT.
Speaking in Abuja at the training’s closing ceremony on Friday, the acting Director- General of NITDA, Dr Vincent Olatunji, said the federal government’s new ICT policy would benefit all Nigerians, including physically challenges citizens.
According to him, government has many noble ICT plans that will empower the Nigerian youth and make  them self-reliant.     
He told the trainees to practise whatever they might have learnt in the training to justify the money spent by the government.
In his speech, the president of the Hope and Justice for Less Privileged, Paul Ihekwoaba, said there were about 25.5million Nigerians with disabilities, and training would prevent many of them from constituting nuisance to the society.