No company can function without effective backbone – ITM Africa director

Habibah Waziri is the Country Director of ITM Africa in Nigeria. She oversees logistics, develops new business and ensures profitability of the company which played a vital role at the just concluded Nigerian Mining Week. She tells us more. When did you become the Country Director of ITM in Nigeria and what are your roles? […]

No company can function without effective backbone – ITM Africa director

Habibah Waziri is the Country Director of ITM Africa in Nigeria

Habibah Waziri is the Country Director of ITM Africa in Nigeria. She oversees logistics, develops new business and ensures profitability of the company which played a vital role at the just concluded Nigerian Mining Week. She tells us more.

When did you become the Country Director of ITM in Nigeria and what are your roles?

I became the country director in January 2019. My roles are to oversee the operations of the company’s affiliate in Nigeria. I oversee logistics, develop new business and ensure profitability. I am responsible for the overall operations, recruiting staff and creating budgets. I also develop operation plans and implement brand strategies.

What services does ITM offer?

ITM Nigeria Limited is a part of a Pan-African group of companies founded in 2011 in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We offer Human Resource Solutions, Sales and Distribution Solutions, Supply Chain Solutions and Industry solutions.

We strive to provide the most customized and tailored business solutions to meet high standards of an ever-growing market and expectations from our partners in all our representative offices across Africa.

We are committed to a perspective of dynamic satisfaction for our customers and we are actively involved in a progressive enhancement for the quality of our products and services.

Your company played a major role in the just concluded Nigeria Mining Week, tell us more about it?

We offered human capital and manpower development to organisations during this year’s mining week. Most companies at the mining week offered technical services but we could run the operational aspect of their businesses. No company can function without an effective backbone so we showcased operational capacities throughout the mining week.

How has technology enhanced your job?

Technology is a “can’t live without” as of our daily lives. ITM has inter-country operations between our 8 offices and without technology, it wouldn’t be possible.

What is the secret of a successful business?

An idea, a great visionary & effective staffing. All that can be found in the core of ITM.

What key things have you learned doing business in Nigeria?

If Dangote can make it here, I can make it to.

How can we support and improve innovations in Nigeria?

Drive the education support sector where the rural numbers are high. Equip the local artisans with necessary skills and get the policy passed. All these are necessary phases in getting to the objective of improving the business environment, thereby improving innovation.

Your company develops innovative solutions for most challenging projects, tell us more about it?

Our solutions are tailored per company’s needs and we strive to maintain global practice standard. Our solutions are influenced by the vast knowledge from our different country offices which have curated solutions to grow from.

We are keen with ensuring our clients save in manpower as well as finances while ensuring we deliver competent and effective results.

ITM Africa is currently in eight countries; Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, Rwanda, Angola, Tanzania, Nigeria, Germany and Burundi.

Where do you see the company in the next five years?

Where it’s always been going, Global

Tell us about your educational background?

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, MBA Strategic Marketing and Strategy & Innovation from the Harvard Business School.