No nation can run from cloud computing – Fagbohun

Why did you organize this program?Cloud computing is one of the most important current trends in the field of information and communication technology. The reason why we have this round table is that we look at how Nigeria can move forward and enjoy opportunities that go with cloud computing, bearing in mind that there are […]

No nation can run from cloud computing – Fagbohun
No nation can run from cloud computing – Fagbohun

Why did you organize this program?
Cloud computing is one of the most important current trends in the field of information and communication technology. The reason why we have this round table is that we look at how Nigeria can move forward and enjoy opportunities that go with cloud computing, bearing in mind that there are very serious concerns of privacy, security confidentiality and a whole lot more in this area. Understanding the issues and the problems are very critical. The revolution of cloud computing is on and no nation can run from it We have  written a proposal on it and submitted it to Microsoft in which they agreed to fund it. Also we invited critical stakeholders, so that they would give us their criticisms, perspective and contribution, and at the end of the day we want to be able to give our findings to the government, decision makers, policy makers and regulatory agencies in the country and the industry itself.
Can you explain one of the serious legal issues involved in cloud computing?
One of the issues challenging the legal practices include privacy and security because you are storing data in a remote server. The person using the data is not actually the manager of the storage facility. So the legal institutions are to be tasked on providing a good regulatory framework to guide against misuse of content by users, and also provide resources for legal reform.
 Do we need a regulator for cloud computing?  
Yes, one of the things that came out in the course of the roundtable and we captured in the course of our research is that an agency like National Information and Technology Development Agency (NITDA)is already carrying out certain activities now that are focused on information technology. When you look at their functions under the enabling law, you will see that cloud computing(cloud services) is one of the things we can look at, but the agencies don’t have enforcement power. So at the end of the day, there is so much of gaps and disconnect in  our laws that reform will be necessary to improve on  them If we take  the MITDA Act for instance,there will be a need to amend the Act in such a way that it can meet the demand of contemporary global situation at the end of the day.
What are the advantages of using cloud computing?
We need to  sensitize people as regard advantages of cloud computing, and the reason for that is very simple. We have a situation whereby a number of people are using a cloud service and they don’t know that they are using it. So the need to educate people that this is the advantage and this is what you have been already onto comes to the fore. One area of concern that is important is capacity development and capacity building. Look at the education sector, there is the need to deepen the capacity of the teachers to be able to teach well and the need to deepen capacity of students also for them to be able to utilize the advantages of cloud computing for their research.
What are the critical elements you are looking at?
We are looking at legal reform, advocacy, sensitization and capacity building.  These   are what we are looking at if Nigeria wants to reach the level that we all desire.
Who are those sponsoring it?
When we came out with our proposal, Microsoft accepted that they would fund it for us, and they have done so well. We are looking at engaging  Microsoft, so that we can work together with them in collaboration with this project.  Microsoft  has been so wonderful in supporting us.
 If you want to buy a product online or you want to go to website they will say the service is not available in your country, how do we safe guard the interest of buyers and sellers?
It is because they  view our country as not safe  for certain transactions pursuant to the prevalence of internet frauds, and absence of appropriate and effective cyber laws to curb these problems.For instance when it comes to making payment,  they do not want to expose themselves to fraudulent people.  In view of this, they  block out those that will abuse the use of cloud services for their own selfish and criminal interests.  As a result of this, cloud abuses have been reduced to the bearest minimum in jurisdictions where cloud computing is holding sway. In Nigeria, that has not yet happened.  That is why many people who have credibility  will say they don’t want to deal with certain jurisdictions on  certain products. They want to run away from these possible abuses..
Is there any legal frame work?
 What we found out in the course of this study is that what you can think of as regulatory law and policy that are related directly to cloud computing are scattered in different documents. Some of them are not effectively focused on protection against the concerns in relation to cloud computing and we need to reform them.
How can we reform them?
When we talk about cloud computing, it is with reference to activities that have to do with cloud services in different sectors such as health sector, agricultural sector, educational sector,  SMEs among others.  all the laws in these sectors together in that way- but you can start the process of  reform them in such a way that will be able to meet present day trends and demands.
Did you think the cloud computing we have today will help prevent copyright violation and how can regulation guide this law without infringing on their right?
If you have your information in the cloud, what it simply means is that if they take your computer, it will not affect your information. Your information will still be properly stored because of the regulatory environment If they want information, the person will be the one to give them the go head.