Northern surveyors tackle boundary disputes

Northern Nigeria surveyors under the banner Northern Surveyors Forum (NSF) rose from their second Annual General Meeting/J. D. J. Dashe Memorial Lecture penultimate week in Kaduna observing that the phenomenal increase in boundary disputes between communities in the country is a serious threat to peaceful coexistence. The meeting said the problem might be attributed to […]

Northern surveyors tackle boundary disputes
Northern surveyors tackle boundary disputes

Northern Nigeria surveyors under the banner Northern Surveyors Forum (NSF) rose from their second Annual General Meeting/J. D. J. Dashe Memorial Lecture penultimate week in Kaduna observing that the phenomenal increase in boundary disputes between communities in the country is a serious threat to peaceful coexistence.
The meeting said the problem might be attributed to the lack of a clear boundary demarcation and the ambiguous nature of the descriptions of some of the boundary limits.
“Often, the existing boundaries records are based on traditional oral narrations or at best on records that were based on arbitrary descriptions using prominent trees or certain river course and human settlements which over time might have ceased to exist, change course or have been completely relocated,” the meeting’s communiqué observed.
The gathering stated that sustainable physical development of any nation requires the use of maps for a well informed decision making particularly as regards the positioning and monitoring of infrastructure.