‘Northern women can make a difference’

What inspired you into founding Northern Women Caucus Alliance Forum?It came into been as a result of the gap between Nigerian northern women and the rest of the world. I say the rest of the world because if they can’t be equated with the rest of the country then they can’t be equated with the […]

‘Northern women can make a difference’
‘Northern women can make a difference’

What inspired you into founding Northern Women Caucus Alliance Forum?
It came into been as a result of the gap between Nigerian northern women and the rest of the world. I say the rest of the world because if they can’t be equated with the rest of the country then they can’t be equated with the world in general.
The gap being that Northern women whether Christians or Muslims are so humble by nature. They are brought up to respect everybody whether man or woman, and people older than us, as such we don’t mingle with the men as much as women from other parts of the country.
We are expected to respect, obey and listen to men, because of this the men and the rest part of the country feel that we are very weak and cannot do anything without men. Most of the time the other part of the country don’t really know the meaning of purdah. When they hear of northern women especially a muslim one, they will say she is in Purdah.
Purdah does not mean that you are locked up in the house or you cannot do anything. It just means respect for the person who kept you and that is your husband.
It is also the same with Christian families in the northern part of Nigeria. The fact that you are a Christian woman does not mean that you can just go out without getting the consent of your husband or let him know when you want to do things.
We are kind of made to kind of stay behind the men and for them to lead us. The men look at that as being subservient to them and that we are too shy to come out and showcase our abilities and skills. I then felt that it is high time for us to come out of our own shell to show what we are and what we have.
So with the help of other likeminded women within the northern part of Nigeria we reasoned together on the need to float the organization especially in the area of politics. How many women from the northern part of Nigeria whether Christian or Muslims are in the Senate, House of Representatives or are even ministers? That is why we should come together to do something about it and encourage our women folk to come out and vie for political positions.

Specifically what is your take on the impression or stereotype by some people that because northern women cover their bodies that means they are being oppressed?
 When we were growing up even till now there were so many Christian women in  the north  that were not really comfortable being dressed half naked, because it is not in our culture. Some twenty-five years ago you will never see women from the north , Christian or muslim alike wearing pants on the streets or dressed in trousers or skirts called ‘cross no gutter’.
Even if she is a Christian she will get a small veil and put around her neck. That does not mean she has become a Muslim but because of the culture. You cannot also see a northern woman worshipping in church with her breasts  out.
So we are not oppressed as women. As a woman what is that beautiful thing that you are hiding from your husband? You want to expose it for everybody to see it on the streets. If you do that then what is that unique thing that is only meant for your husband to see?
A woman should not be everybody’s property. Preserving yourself, being modest and humble does not mean you are being oppressed. Rather you will be more respectable. People will also be comfortable to mingle with you and to allow you do business with them.
I don’t think it is good for any woman in the world not even just in northern woman to dress badly.

One of the problems women face in politics is that their husbands don’t allow them to contest. How is your organization going to help enlighten the men on this?
We formed the organization with the aim of sensitizing the environment for northern women. Sensitization here also means reaching out to the spiritual leaders, traditional rulers, our husbands, sons, uncles among others to let them know there is nothing dirty in politics.
What makes politics dirty is the person that is involved. If your trust your wife, mother, or daughter you should allow her to venture into politics. Her being in politics does not mean that she is wayward.  If she is upright from the home , she will make the political climate upright. She will cleanse it because women like that are needed to participate in politics.  
There are women before who only serve tea, dance around, hail,  shout and abuse like area girls, those were the ones that were being seen in politics so people  thought because a woman is in politics she must be a prostitute.  No the game has changed, women in politics now are women of quality, prestigious and with skills. So we want women to come out and change the whole scenario in politics.  

How have you been impacting on women through your NGO?
We have been giving women and youth opportunity to be educated or improve on their education. For example  we tell women who have not been opportuned to go to school that it is never too late to go to school , and also help them get educated. We help women who have been given out to their husbands when they were in primary or secondary school and then were maltreated and came out and have nothing to do we help these kind of women to go back to school. We are seeking for sponsors to help some of these women.
There are many of them in the north like the north –east who can’t go to school now because of the boko haram issue. We have been trying to sensitize them that it is going with the aim of boko haram in the first place which is to scare people from going to school . If we from the north do not sit up and look at these issues carefully, we will end up becoming not even backward but to a zero level educationally.

What do you think hampers women rights?
I don’t think  the problem is the policies or machineries as such but the women themselves. We should not just sit and wait for things to be done and handed over to us.
For example most of the political parties have given free forms for women to contest in elections. In my party the People’s Democratic Party, you only pay for expression of interest form still women are not coming forward to contest. Never stay and feel you can just come to the national level in a day; what makes a woman makes a man. For people to assist, you must have clout, followership and go down to the grassroots. We know the men have money and an intimidating scheme so what you do with this situation you have to start early and not come out two weeks to the elections.
But the problem with us women is that we leave it till the eleventh hour. Another thing impeding us is the boastful nature of women.
When you isolate yourself and feel above everyone , how do you expect them to work for you or open up and invite you into their homes?

What advice do you have for women on combining career and the home?
Women have to prioritize their needs, strategise and organize everything. If you are a married woman and work you must make it a point of duty to find out everyday what is ahead of you.
Don’t neglect the needs of the home, don’t disappoint your husband when you both have to meet someone. When you have rallies or meetings inform your husband at least two days to the time so that there is no clash. Inform and plan together with your husband and children on your schedule to avoid conflicts in the home. Women are good managers anyone having conflicts intentionally decided to do it, otherwise we can cope.
Women should also be each other’s keepers, support and help one another. It does not cause us anything to love ourselves and have peace. We should also stop underrating fellow women but relate with one another.

What are your business success tips?
My company is called Business Women Networking Limited. We are into consultancy on educating women on how to do business. We connect women to mentors and also source for funds for them. So I advise women not to be  shy  in coming forward to do business. They should also get somebody or a mentor to discuss with on their business ideas.