Northern youths’ future’ll be disastrous without education — Sanusi

Sanusi, who led the Eid-el-fitr prayer at Murtala Square Eid Ground in Kaduna Wednesday, called on Muslims to seek both Islamic and western education to develop their lives.

Northern youths’ future’ll be disastrous without education — Sanusi

Former Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi II

The former Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sunusi, says the future of the northern youths, without education, will be disastrous.

Sanusi, who led the Eid-el-fitr prayer at Murtala Square Eid Ground in Kaduna Wednesday, called on Muslims to seek both Islamic and western education to develop their lives.

“Let pay attention to seeking knowledge religious and modern. Religious education permits you to have a good life, to be on the right path, to protect the right of Allah and the rights of his servants.

“But we also need modern education to improve our lives to develop, to prosper. We, in this part of the country, are all witnesses of our sons and daughters in their millions roaming the streets day and night without education and schools; while their age mates in other parts of the country are in schools.

“If we don’t address this issue, the future of our youths is going to be disastrous,” he warned.