NUAHP seeks end to dichotomy among health professionals

 The Nigerian Union of Allied Health Professionals (NUAHP) has called for an outright stoppage of all forms of discriminatory and unfair practices against other health professionals in full compliance with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention. President of the union, Comrade Obinna Ogbonna, made the call in Abuja during the commemoration of this year’s Health […]

NUAHP seeks end to dichotomy among health professionals

 The Nigerian Union of Allied Health Professionals (NUAHP) has called for an outright stoppage of all forms of discriminatory and unfair practices against other health professionals in full compliance with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention.

President of the union, Comrade Obinna Ogbonna, made the call in Abuja during the commemoration of this year’s Health Sector Reform Day.

The theme for this year’s commemoration is ‘Eliminating Professional Dichotomy and Discriminatory Practices: Panacea for Sustainable Industrial Harmony in Nigeria’s Health Sector’.

Comrade Ogbonna said over the years, the union and other registered health sector unions had to engage government and relevant authorities in the sector on issues bothering on professional dichotomy, discrimination and other forms of injustices.

He said, “These acts continue unabated till date due largely to some notable gaps in health institutions establishment and management extant laws, preferential treatment of physicians (medical doctors) over other health care professionals especially by the supervisory ministry (Ministry of Health), and leadership within the frontiers of healthcare system that appear to be grounded in the unending vicious cycle of aberrations.” 

He said some of the discriminatory practices include refusal to promote other health care professionals to the peak of their public service career of grade-level 17, imposition of chairmen and deputy chairmen of Medical Advisory Committee (CMAC and DCMAC) as well as chief medical directors of teaching hospitals.

 The union commended the National Assembly, for taking a bold step towards amending the University Teaching Hospitals (Reconstitution of Boards etc) Act Cap U15 LFN, 2004 formerly known as Decree 10 of 1985. 

It said the promulgation of the decree in 1985 introduced dichotomy and discrimination into the health sector.

 “If passed into law, the new act will ensure that health workers/professionals with competency in hospital administration and management are appointed to manage hospitals nationwide. 

“This will ultimately guarantee effective, efficient and professional management of the hospitals in line with global best practices,” the union said..

 The union called for the commencemen of the payment of new hazard allowance for healthcare workers and reconstitution of the Presidential Committee on Health Sector Reform to include representatives of other healthcare professionals and health sector unions.