Nude videos of rapper Soulja boy leaked online

American rapper and record producer Deandre Cortez popularly known as Soulja Boy has leaked his own nude photos The “She make it clap” crooner took to his Twitter page to tell his fans about a page he would be opening and posting some juicy content, a fan who paid and subscribed for the content took […]

Nude videos of rapper Soulja boy leaked online

Soulja Boy

American rapper and record producer Deandre Cortez popularly known as Soulja Boy has leaked his own nude photos

The “She make it clap” crooner took to his Twitter page to tell his fans about a page he would be opening and posting some juicy content, a fan who paid and subscribed for the content took screenshots and recordings of the private area and has since been spreading it online.

The rapper who disclosed earlier this year that he is done rapping and will be going into acting got his fans talking, this might just be an early stunt for his transition.

The rapper seems to be enjoying the attention of the trending pictures, he has since been retweeting posts like, “ Soulja boy I’m trynna be yo Soulja girlll”

Some of his fans seem to be enjoying the content, tweeting how excited they were about what they saw.