Nurse writes book targeted at teenage girls

Mrs. Nanman Philemon Kash, a nurse and staff of the National Hospital, Abuja, has authored a book titled ‘The Peculiar Child’, targeted at teenage girls. Kash said at the unveiling of the book recently, that growing up with her mother and having lost her dad early in life presented very useful life experiences she couldn’t […]

Nurse writes book targeted at teenage girls

Mrs. Nanman Philemon Kash, a nurse and staff of the National Hospital, Abuja, has authored a book titled ‘The Peculiar Child’, targeted at teenage girls.
Kash said at the unveiling of the book recently, that growing up with her mother and having lost her dad early in life presented very useful life experiences she couldn’t keep to herself. She said: “I felt compelled to share my childhood experience and upbringing, which I feel meets basic accepted societal standards,” adding that any girl that reads the book will get useful information on how to manage her teenage years.
The nurse added that the book addresses a lot of the unanswered questions teenage girls seek. “When I started teaching young girls I observed that most of them have a lot of unanswered questions pertaining sexual issues. Some, because of wrong information they have gotten that certain sexual activity is not actual sex and that you must learn how to have sex before you get married. ‘The Peculiar Girl’ seeks to give them the right answers,” Mrs. Kash said.
The books were donated to schools and churches in Abuja.