Obama’s endorsement

The enemies are forever silenced. As social media users captured it, kudos to the one man who is single-handedly restoring the glory of Naija.  – Halleluyah!   Yes o. Some people argue that the Sai Baba turare has lost its potency at home. But see all the razzmatazz in America. I feel proud to be […]

Obama’s endorsement

The enemies are forever silenced. As social media users captured it, kudos to the one man who is single-handedly restoring the glory of Naija.
 – Halleluyah!
Yes o. Some people argue that the Sai Baba turare has lost its potency at home. But see all the razzmatazz in America. I feel proud to be a Naija.
– Congratulations.
Thank you, those beautiful pictures from the president’s visit to the UN returns us to our pride of place in the comity of nations.
 – I see that.
Weeping may endure for a night, but joy is sure coming in the morning. Look at the big businesses lining up to talk to the president about the huge investment opportunities in Africa’s largest economy.
– Absolutely exciting.
So, finally, you would agree that Sai Baba is working for the good of this country to the shame of all of you.
– All of us?
Yes, all of you who never see anything good in this government; all of you who have turned criticism into full-time part-time business. All of you who wants Naija to leapfrog in its five decades of independence and meet or beat countries that have been in the democracy business over two hundred years.
– Huum.
All of you who sit behind your computers in developed countries, refusing to return home to help rebuild the country but snigger at the commendable efforts of those who have sworn to stay here and salvage it together. You cyber terrorists and social media ISIS taking your frustrations out on your home government.
 –  Huum.
Keep saying huum; because you have nothing better to say for your pitiable self.
–  When you argue with fools people may not know the difference.
 Nonsense, see your mouth flowing like a damaged tap.
–          The last time I checked, even your taps have run dry. Everybody in this country is a president of his own republic. Whether you rent, own or squat, majority of people dig their own boreholes; generate their own electricity; hire their own security; and either construct or pay area boys to mend the roads they travel on. But heh, looks like some people are born to suffer and they love it.

– You see, your leaders tell you to tighten their own belts, but they ride brand new cars or fly over your heads. They leave the hospitals underfunded and go abroad to treat catarrh; they leave teachers salaries unpaid and send their children to schools abroad. When people criticize them, you get angry.
 You seem to forget that Rome was not built in a day. So give us time and we would get there.
 – Future impossible tense!
You be God? It is happening already and all detractors would be put to shame.
 –  Maybe we are too blind to see.
Well, shine your eyes!
–    We do and what we see doesn’t look like the road to paradise at all, it looks like a highway to hell.
 –     Tufiakpa.
When the Naira exchanges for nearly N500; you cannot fix electricity to sustain even grinding business, existing industries are dying because they cannot source the parts or raw materials needed to keep running, and you fill up every available space on the Abuja-New-York route, please tell me how do you grow?
 – You people forgot the sixteen years of the locust and the damage it has done. You expect things to change overnight? Sai Baba is not a magician.
 We didn’t elect a magician, we elected people who claimed to know how to change the status quo, but have frozen in the status, and are now marking time. How does the retinue that went to New York shore up your dwindling foreign reserves? What does it add to your GNP or your GDP?
–  You people are so focused on negativity you don’t see the positive.
 Tell us the positive, the pictures of Obama patting grandpa on the back or Michele doing a first-lady fashion competition?
 – Well, did you hear Obama say he has confidence in Sai Baba’s leadership? Or Ban Ki Moon’s endorsement; that is grand endorsement there for you, take it to the bank.
 – I did. Obama lives in Washington, has no relative in Naija, does not buy a loaf of bread from here and rates your government high. Your discerning citizens call it hell and you raise dust. If I was Obama and somebody brings an entire clan of spendthrifts to New York while three quarters of his country’s civil servants have not been paid, I would endorse him. A crowd of profligate spenders unleashed on the American economy is good news for Obama, it is bad news for the manufacturer who has to lay off his workers because he could not source dollars to purchase the raw materials needed to stay afloat. It is a satirical endorsement.
Incurable pessimists and professional nickpickers –always looking at the worst side of things. We’re on track.
– Good luck to us all; patience would reveal the truth!

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