Obangame Express 2023: For the safety of the Gulf of Guinea

The Nigerian Navy recently conducted its annual multi-national maritime security exercise, code-named Obaganme Express 2023, in the Gulf of Guinea, GoG. The exercise attracted several nations in the region and outside the shores of Africa, to enhance cooperation in addressing maritime security challenges in the Gulf of Guinea. The Gulf of Guinea is a vital […]

Obangame Express 2023: For the safety of the Gulf of Guinea
Obangame Express 2023: For the safety of the Gulf of Guinea

The Nigerian Navy recently conducted its annual multi-national maritime security exercise, code-named Obaganme Express 2023, in the Gulf of Guinea, GoG. The exercise attracted several nations in the region and outside the shores of Africa, to enhance cooperation in addressing maritime security challenges in the Gulf of Guinea.

The Gulf of Guinea is a vital region for international trade, responsible for over 20 per cent of the world’s petroleum supply and a significant portion of global trade in cocoa, coffee and other commodities.

It covers 19 coastal and island states, which stretches from the waters off Senegal to the south of Angola, a treasure trove of rich resources for maritime areas located in the western part of the African continent.

The GoG covers 11,755,258 square kilometers of surface area and over 6,000 kilometres of coastlines. Hitherto, GoG has been recognised as a hotbed for maritime crime, piracy, illegal fishing and oil theft. The threat has cost the region lives, fueled instability, and over $1.9 billion in financial losses every year.

Meanwhile, the Nigerian Navy has tremendously championed several efforts towards fighting maritime insecurity in the Gulf of Guinea.

As a leader in the Gulf, Nigeria had invested in two state-of-the-art Maritime Domain Awareness Assets – the Regional Maritime Awareness Project, an American Technology and the Falcon Eye Alignment project, an Israeli technology – commissioned by President Muhammadu Buhari in July 2021, among others.

Ghada Fathi Waly, Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), expressed delight with NN’s accomplishments. He said GoG has  witnessed a steady decline in incidents of piracy and armed robbery at sea.

The word ‘Obangame’ comes from the Fang language of Southern Cameroon and other parts of Central Africa that means ‘togetherness’. This name was selected by African participants during a proof of concept for this exercise in 2010, to promote the importance of regional cooperation between all the Navies of the Gulf of Guinea.

The exercise included various scenarios, such as counter-piracy operations, search and rescue missions, and the interdiction of illegal vessels.

The one-week military exercise was organised under the auspices of the United States Africa Command with nine warships and 15 aircraft including the United States of America Coast  Guard, deployed to the Gulf of Guinea,  with a view to building the capacity of navies and Coast Guards towards maintaining maritime domain awareness there.

Indeed, a secured maritime environment will help to protect the natural resources of the Gulf of Guinea, including its oil and gas reserves, which are vital to the economies of the region. By working together to address maritime security challenges, the nations of the Gulf of Guinea can ensure the sustainable use of these resources for future generations.

Obangame Express 2023 is an important stride towards improving maritime security in the GoG.


Kabir Abdulsalam wrote from Abuja, can reach via [email protected]