Of emergency philanthropists and Abia 2023

In every political season, new words creep into the political lexicon. The one in vogue in Abia is a section, which emerged recently to render emergency political gestures to the electorate, basically to woo their sympathy. Thus, the coinage “emergency philanthropists”.  This group negates Mother Theresa’s perspective on philanthrophy because she admonishes us to “ […]

Of emergency philanthropists and Abia 2023


In every political season, new words creep into the political lexicon. The one in vogue in Abia is a section, which emerged recently to render emergency political gestures to the electorate, basically to woo their sympathy. Thus, the coinage “emergency philanthropists”. 

This group negates Mother Theresa’s perspective on philanthrophy because she admonishes us to “ do good everywhere we go”.  The Bible also charges us to do good and to withdraw our hands whenever duty calls for us to show charity.If we do so, it amounts to “ sin of omission “. 

Recently, a group has emerged and decided  to temporarily affect the lives of Abians for the purposes of currying electoral favour from them. Don’t this amount to the characteristics of the Scribes who were accused of praying in the open and playing to the gallery. 

They should know that when philanthropy is anchored on emergency arrangement to curry electoral favour,the people will know. 

That is why William Hazlith advises thus “The only vice that cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. The repentance of a hypocrite is itself hypocrisy”. 

We will not succumb to the quote “If you want to test a man’s character, give him power”, because we already know their character. 

Abians, beware of these emergency philanthropists. 

Okechukwu Keshi Ukegbu wrote via [email protected]