Of Goje, retirement and 2023 senatorial contest

“It is in the light of the foregoing and having reached an advanced age, I wish to formally inform you that I have decided not to contest any other election again. For the avoidance of doubt, I will not contest any election at all levels”. This was the declaration made by Muhammadu Danjuma Goje to […]

Of Goje, retirement and 2023 senatorial contest

Senator Mohammed Danjuma Goje

“It is in the light of the foregoing and having reached an advanced age, I wish to formally inform you that I have decided not to contest any other election again. For the avoidance of doubt, I will not contest any election at all levels”. This was the declaration made by Muhammadu Danjuma Goje to announce his retirement from active and elective politics.

Goje is one of the most successful politicians in Akko, Gombe Central, Gombe State and the entire North East.

He started from a humble background and rose to become a minister, a two-time governor and now a  Senator. As he said, he has reached an advanced age, therefore needs, in his own words, to “give the younger ones the opportunity to also grow”. Surprisingly, this “retirement” from active politics is “suspended” and Goje is now “forced” by some people to jettison that decision not to seek re-election into the Red Chamber or face litigation.

It is difficult to understand Danjuma Goje’s decision to retire from active and elective politics or the so-called “stakeholders” who threatened to sue him if he refuses to seek re-election. Goje has reached an advanced age; he has achieved what every politician wants. In fact, Goje is now an elder statesman. I think he should not allow some people, calling themselves “stakeholders”, to drag his hard earned political reputation into the mud.

The so-called Kumo rally that threatened Goje with litigation were he to refuse seeking the red chamber in 2023 was organised to spite some people, specifically, the member representing the local government in the National Assembly, Alhaji Usman Bello Kumo.

To be fair to Goje, he was not party to the crises and the rift between him and his political benefactor, Kumo. Goje himself will be shocked to hear that he has a problem with Kumo. And it will be uncharitable for anyone to think that the duo are fighting a political war. More surprising also was to hear that the political war was as a result of Kumo’s intention to contest the senatorial seat Goje is to leave in 2023.

There are insinuations in many quarters that Goje and his boy have fallen out. These insinuations are already creating a political tension even before 2022, when we expect the real politicking to begin. Why are we and the so-called “stakeholders” distracting two honourable people saddled with the responsibility of representing us in the National Assembly at this very challenging time? Is that what we need in Akko/Yamaltu and Akko LGA?

For me, what these so-called “stakeholders” are doing is fighting a proxy war hiding under Goje’s shield, because they cannot fight their war. Akko LGA and Gombe Central are very important in the Gombe State political equation that we cannot afford to see some wannabes creating confusion and distracting our representative from performing their constitutional duty.

We voted Goje and Kumo to represent us in the National Assembly; already we have been reaping from the dividends of democracy being brought to this constituency. Goje is a rationale human being with over 40 years’ experience in politics. His decision to quit politics was made knowing the consequences. It is therefore wrong for anyone to dictate to him at this stage in his political career or the choices he decides to make.

I want to urge Goje and Kumo to sheath their swords and continue representing us, the way they were doing before. Listing the good things these two gentlemen did to Akko Federal Constituency and Gombe Central Senatorial District is incomparable in our history. I want to urge the two gentlemen to continue representing us well in the National Assembly and ignore political merchants who could not fight their own war, but always create crises that can be used as a bait to gain relevance. We cannot afford to have fighting Goje and Kumo at this material time in our constituency. We need not distract them. The challenges are enormous; Akko and Gombe Central cannot afford the distractions. We need both of them to continue the good work they are doing without falling into the trap of political merchants.

On his part, Goje should keep to his word and quit active and elective politics thereby opening an opportunity for the younger generation of politicians in his constituency to “showcase their God-given talents”. The people of his constituency and Gombe State in general are proud of him as the father of modern Gombe politics.


Kabiru Danladi Lawanti, Department of Mass Communication, ABU, Zaria