Okada rider jailed 4 years over anal sex with 6 boys

A Chief Magistrates’ Court in Minna, Niger, has sentenced a 23-year-old commercial motorcyclist, Adamu Mohammed to four years imprisonment for having sexual intercourse with six boys through the anus. Mohammed was docked on a count charge of an unnatural offence, contrary to section 284 of the penal code law. The Police Prosecutor, ASP. Daniel Ikwoche […]

Okada rider jailed 4 years over anal sex with 6 boys

A Chief Magistrates’ Court in Minna, Niger, has sentenced a 23-year-old commercial motorcyclist, Adamu Mohammed to four years imprisonment for having sexual intercourse with six boys through the anus.

Mohammed was docked on a count charge of an unnatural offence, contrary to section 284 of the penal code law.

The Police Prosecutor, ASP. Daniel Ikwoche told the court that one Yusuf Buhari reported the matter at the Chanchaga station on Oct. 6.

Ikwoche said the complainant accused Mohammed of luring his 10-year-old son into his room at Korokpa village, Minna and had sex with him through the anus.

He said further investigation revealed that the accused person also committed the act with five other boys between the ages of 10 and 12 years, all of Korokpa area.

When the charge was read to him, he pleaded guilty and begged for leniency.

The prosecutor, thereafter, prayed the court to try him summarily in line with section 157 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

In his ruling, the presiding magistrate, Nasiru Muazu sentenced the accused to four years in prison with hard labour without an option of fine.