Okey Wali’s kidnap: Matters arising

To kidnap Okey Wali has introduced a new dimension, a novelty into this dastardly merchantilistic trade in people’s blood, lives, destiny and liberty, by societal misfits. News has it that it was done about 200 metres from his residential gate at about 9.00pm on Saturday. That means the kidnappers must have laid ambush for him. […]

Okey Wali’s kidnap: Matters arising
Okey Wali’s kidnap: Matters arising

To kidnap Okey Wali has introduced a new dimension, a novelty into this dastardly merchantilistic trade in people’s blood, lives, destiny and liberty, by societal misfits. News has it that it was done about 200 metres from his residential gate at about 9.00pm on Saturday. That means the kidnappers must have laid ambush for him. Where were the security agents, such as policemen and members of the Civil Defence Corps, who ought to patrol streets?
The Nigerian nation is clearly currently under great, multi-dimensional siege – siege from ritualists, siege from Boko Haram, siege from political buccaneers, siege from legislative rascality, siege from executive lawlessness, siege from judicial tyranny, siege from leadership inertia, siege from civil society compromise, siege from all of us, who see nothing, say nothing and do nothing!
Okey Wali’s kidnap is totally condemnable in the strongest words possible, for the simple reason that he is a peace-loving, very humble and God-fearing Nigerian, who led the NBA, the biggest civil society umbrella organization in Nigeria, for two good years, without any blemish, charge of corruption or embezzlement of public funds against him.
To kidnap Okey tantamounts therefore, to kidnapping the entire collective quintessence and conscience of all Nigerian lawyers, and therefore, of the totality of the civil society.
As one who went through a most horrific and spine-chilling experience in kidnappers’ dungeon for three harrowing weeks of near death, I can feel it, see it, smell it, taste it and empathise with it. The irony is that it was Okey as NBA President, who broke the news of my August 23, 2013, kidnap, to the NBA AGM in Calabar, with the entire body of lawyers led by him, calling for my immediate and unconditional release.
Last year it was me. Today, it is Okey’s turn. Who will be next? No one knows. No one can conjecture. The federal government, Rivers State and neighbouring state governments, the IGP, DG, SSS, and the entire security apparatchnik in this country, should immediately rise up and deliver Okey Wali, safe, hale and hearty, to his family and Nigeria. There must be no excuses, no foot dragging, no dilly-dallying.
I appeal to Okey’s kidnappers to please, release unhurt and unharmed, this great patriot, this unassuming Nigerian, who means well for all, including the poor peasants of this country. He has contributed immensely to the development of law, human rights and to the Nigerian Nation. Let not your insatiable thirst for money and earthly things push you to hurt him. I beg you all, in the name of almighty God.