Old boys donate chairs to college

The Old Students’ Association of  Federal Government College, Kano, class of  2000, has donated chairs and desks to the college as a part of activities to mark its 20th anniversary. The gesture, according to the association’s president, Mr. Abdulqadir Abdullahi, was to show gratitude to the school, which gave them the opportunity to be successful […]

Old boys donate chairs to college

The Old Students’ Association of  Federal Government College, Kano, class of  2000, has donated chairs and desks to the college as a part of activities to mark its 20th anniversary.

The gesture, according to the association’s president, Mr. Abdulqadir Abdullahi, was to show gratitude to the school, which gave them the opportunity to be successful in life.

Emphasising that the government alone could not bear the cost of education in the country, Abdulqadir explained that the gesture was informed by a resolve to contribute their quota to the development of the school promising to do more of this in near future.

“The school did a lot in our lives and that is how most of us became professionals in various fields such as engineering, medicine, law, journalism, architecture, to mention just a few.

“We are glad to give back to the school that made us. We are happy that we are contributing our quota to the development of our alma mater because the foundation of what we have become in life today was laid here. This is just a starting point, we are planning to do more of this to our dear college.” Abdullahi said.

Speaking while receiving the donation the president of the college’s old boys’ association,  Alhaji Ishaq Usman thanked them for the gesture.

“It is very good to assist your school but in other way round you should look  to those that are in dire need of help among your and assist them.”

Abdullahi urged well-to-do Nigerians and corporate bodies to support the government in developing public schools.