On building the dreamed greatest generation

I have always been avoiding writing on politics, but, this time, being a member of the society, and whatever good or the other that comes, I must also be completely stained with that like every other citizen. Stopping myself from writing this could be one of the other great machineries to allow this country repeat the […]

On building the dreamed greatest generation
On building the dreamed greatest generation

I have always been avoiding writing on politics, but, this time, being a member of the society, and whatever good or the other that comes, I must also be completely stained with that like every other citizen. Stopping myself from writing this could be one of the other great machineries to allow this country repeat the strange story we all detest.  

Not myself alone, but I urge every other Nigerian that has the ability to contribute in uplifting the country, to help in whatever little way for the nation’s brighter future. We are now in troubling times as we have few months ahead to decide which aeroplane should fly over the sky with us. 

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I want everyone of us to know, like a mysterious pandemic or a water flood, bad governance touches everywhere without any cognizance. So, as patriotic citizens, it’s our task, though monotonous, to make some preventions as the coming election might also be a pandemic, if wrongly done, even though we are not pessimistic about it. 

Being this not the first time the country wallows in great catastrophes, it is high time we decided to salvage ourselves by doing the “bitter needful”. That is, by stabbing the selfish interests that have always been holding our throats. It is undeniable nothing salvages a nation but that, be it the root of all the other threatening menaces. Shunning these interests could inevitably eradicate poverty, alleviates joblessness, wanes insecurity and destructs every other evil of their kinds. 

It is with no doubt that a country where school campuses overflowing with students that are optimistic about their future will be produced; a country where corruption and insecurity would be long-gone tales; one where exists no dichotomy between the rich and the poor. But the truth is that, unless the country burns the aforementioned menace, that is, selfish interests, the greatest generation will never be beheld. 

Salim Yakubu Akko writes from Gombe, Gombe State