On Her Majesty’s spiritual search

‘Typical of Anty Meena, short and sharp.’ Maryam said, the moment I walked into the room with a bowl of fruit salad to give her. ‘Her simple reply to me was: “hauka maganinka Allah” (Lunacy is only curable by God)’ Maryam continued, showing me her phone. I took the phone from her, read the short […]

On Her Majesty’s spiritual search
On Her Majesty’s spiritual search

‘Typical of Anty Meena, short and sharp.’ Maryam said, the moment I walked into the room with a bowl of fruit salad to give her. ‘Her simple reply to me was: “hauka maganinka Allah” (Lunacy is only curable by God)’ Maryam continued, showing me her phone. I took the phone from her, read the short reply from her elder sister and handed it back: 

‘What was Anty Meena replying to?’ I asked. 

‘The same message I forwarded to you about the Queen of England.’ Maryam replied, taking a spoonful of diced fruits into her mouth.

‘But I didn’t get any message from you about Queen Elizabeth.’ I answered.

‘Then you better check your WhatsApp messenger now because I certainly remember sending it to both of you at the same time.’ Maryam insisted.

‘Ok, maybe I haven’t checked my phone since you did.’ I said, picking up my phone to look. I saw the message from her after a few seconds and could not believe what I saw.

‘What! The Queen thinks she’s a descendent of Rasulillah SAW? Is she mad?’ I asked.

‘Well, you seem to agree with Anty Meena on that one.’ Maryam replied, laughing.’

‘I honestly believe this is lunacy. How can she make such a claim? Last time I heard about her non-European origins, she was being linked to the Pharoah. That theory says members of the House of Windsor are descended from his loyal lieutenants who left Egypt after the Pharaoh had drowned at the Red Sea. And now she wants something better than that and is laying claims to our beloved Rasulillah? This is unbelievable.’ I declared.

‘Why don’t you just read the piece first? You’ll understand where she is coming from when you do.’ Maryam advised. 

‘Ok then’ I replied before I began reading aloud but in a low voice:

Queen Elizabeth Claims She Is A ‘Direct Descendant Of Prophet Muhammad SAW’

Queen Elizabeth has begun claiming she is a direct descendent of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and has instructed BBC News to begin pushing this idea in the Muslim world, according to some BBC staff. 

The extraordinary move by Queen Elizabeth has sparked fears  that the Illuminati are preparing to use Islam to usher in the New World Order, with the House of Windsor at the apex of the pyramid.

Claiming to be the 43rd great-granddaughter of the Prophet SAW, the Queen cited the genealogical guide to royalty, Burke’s Peerage, for proof of her claims.

According to Harold Brooks-Baker of Burke’s Peerage, the British royal family is descended from Muhammad through the Arab kings of Seville, who ruled an Arab caliphate in Spain after his death. At its peak, the caliphate ruled over a territory from the Caucasus (Eurasia) to the Iberian Peninsula (Muslim Spain, Portugal, Andorra and Gibraltar).

It was the fifth largest empire in history, governing 62 million people (29% of the world’s population at the time). Muhammad’s blood passed directly through this lineage to the European kings of Portugal and Castille, and through them to Queen Elizabeth, via England’s 15th century King Edward IV.

The genealogy is as follows:

Elizabeth II, 

Queen of the UK – daughter of

George VI, 

King of the UK – son of

George V, 

King of the UK – son of

Edward VII, 

King of the UK – son of


Queen of the UK – daughter of


Duke of Kent and Strathearn – 

son of

George III, King of Great Britain – 

son of

Frederick, Prince of Wales – 

son of

George II, King of Great Britain –

 son of

George I, King of Great Britain – 

son of

Sophia, Electress of Hanover – daughter of

Elizabeth of Bohemia – daughter of

James I/VI, 

King of England, Ireland & Scotland – son of Mary, Queen of Scots – daughter of James V, 

King of Scots – son of

Margaret Tudor – daughter of Elizabeth of York – daughter of Edward IV,

 King of England – son of Richard Plantagenet, 

Duke of York – son of Richard of Conisburgh, Earl of Cambridge –

son of Isabella Perez of Castille –

 daughter of Maria Juana de Padilla – daughter of Maria Fernandez de Henestrosa – daughter of Aldonza Ramirez de Cifontes – daughter of

Aldonza Gonsalez Giron – daughter of

Sancha Rodriguez de Lara – daughter of

Rodrigo Rodriguez de Lara – son of

Sancha Alfonsez, Infanta of Castile – daughter of Zaida (aka Isabella) – daughter of

Al-Mu’tamid ibn Abbad, King of Seville – son of Abbad II al-Mu’tadid, King of Seville – son of Abu al-Qasim Muhammad ibn Abbad, King of Seville – son of Ismail ibn Qarais – son of

Qarais ibn Abbad – son of

Abbad ibn Amr – son of

Amr ibn Aslan – son of

Aslan ibn Amr – son of

Amr ibn Itlaf – son of

Itlaf ibn Na’im – son of

Na’im II al-Lakhmi – son of

Na’im al-Lakhmi – son of

Zahra bint Husayn – daughter of

Husayn ibn Hasan – son of

Hasan ibn Ali

(Grandson of Muhammad SAW through his daughter Fatima.)

‘This is incredible! Why would anyone go to so much trouble just to sell us a dummy?’ I queried.

‘Maybe it’s not really a dummy. I mean it is a historical fact that a Muslim empire had existed in Spain. It was among Islam’s glorious moments and some of the most renown Muslim philosophers and scientists existed in Cordoba, Granada and other parts of Muslim Spain which was then known as Al-Andalus.’ Maryam offered.

‘Yes I know but that does not make those Muslims descendants of Rasulillah SAW. Indeed when Tahir took the kids and I to Spain, a few years ago, we stayed in Granada and toured all the Islamically relevant historical places there, like the Alhambra Palace and Taqwa mosque. But no one mentioned any link between them and our Prophet PBUH. It was the same thing when we went to Cordoba, there was nothing to suggest anyone with the Prophet’s lineage had been to Spain. I admit we didn’t go to Seville but if there was any such spiritual link there, the other towns would have advertised it. I think the Queen is getting more and more fascinated with Islam as she gets older. You have seen pictures of her in mosques around Britain, wearing a headscarf, haven’t you? She probably thinks the best thing is to claim the highest possible affinity to Islam through the Prophet’s bloodline. But it doesn’t work that way with us. To a Muslim the affinity is simply to say the shahada, accept Islam, and even without a bloodlink to Rasulillah SAW, you are his kinsman.’ I argued.

To be continued.