On improper e-waste disposal

It is a fact that we cannot completely do away with e-wastes because of technological advancement in the world of electronic gadgets. E-wastes are electronic wastes. They include used or discarded electrical or electronic devices like mobile phones, computers, TVs and other electronics that have reached end of their useful life.After short years of usage, […]

On improper e-waste disposal
On improper e-waste disposal

It is a fact that we cannot completely do away with e-wastes because of technological advancement in the world of electronic gadgets. E-wastes are electronic wastes. They include used or discarded electrical or electronic devices like mobile phones, computers, TVs and other electronics that have reached end of their useful life.After short years of usage, some electronics become obsolete, and turn to e-wastes which are either reused or refurbished, while others are recycled.

While the old electronic devices are still in use by those yet to catch up with modern technologies, the volume or quantity of e-wastes increases as technology advances with new inventions and innovations of gadgets. Information Technology (IT) firms worldwide are in an unending research to develop improved technologies. These new electronic gadgets are massively welcomed by users so long they come with new features and functionalities. Some devices do not reach their end-of-life span before they are replaced with new ones. Old or near end-of-life gadgets are sold as second-hand or as scrap to be dismantled and burnt in order  to obtain valuable precious metals(gold, silver, copper) for sale.

The bare-hand dismantling and open burning of e-waste is regarded as informal e-waste handling. Another informal e-waste management practice is by dipping dismantled electronic pieces into acid to wash off the valuables. Some toxic substances are released to the environment in the process.

The problem of informal recycling of e-waste has caused untold harm to air, soil and water components of environment, and indirectly on health of Nigerians. E-wastes contain some hazardous heavy metals which include Lead, Mercury, Arsenic, Cadmium and brominated flame retardants. Household batteries are potentially hazardous forms of e-wastes because they contain some heavy metals too. These batteries, when improperly disposed or recycled, become toxic to the environment. An e-waste dumpsite is a one-way ticket to the grave for the scavengers and dumpsite workers. Metallic toxins released during the open burning of the dismantled gadgets are regularly being inhaled by these people. Exposure to these heavy metals by contact or ingestion may cause various forms of cancer, damage to body organs and brain, and sometimes death.

It may interest you to know that the e-waste scavengers and dumpsite workers are not the only ones at risk of health problems, those who stay in that vicinity are also at risk.

The soil and water bodies around e-waste dumpsites are contaminated. Burning of plastic-coated components of e-wastes is responsible for this and may portend imminent health hazard to unprotected recycle workers and people living within the vicinity. It is expedient to state clearly here, especially to the scavengers and those directly involved in informal e-waste recycling, that: the business feeds you first and then it kills you!

To tackle this growing e-waste challenge in Nigeria, three stakeholders are principally involved – the government, manufacturer and the user.  The government must ensure increased sensitization of the general public, periodic and regular review of legislations, guidelines, standards, policies and regulations through its environmental and health ministries. Law enforcement agencies are also not left out in the fight against e-waste menace. The EPR program checks the manufacturer’s role in the area of end-of-life product take-back by the producer through proper recycling. Manufacturers are advised to use less hazardous chemicals to reduce inherent health risks in handling and recycling these e-wastes. Product users must channel their used or old electronics to recycling companies only, not to dumpsites where open burning is done.

The onus to keep the environment safe also lies on the user by handling and disposing e-wastes properly. So, when it comes to gadgets, think before you throw or dump!


Kayode Ojewale wrote in via: [email protected]