On miss-representation of the 6th NBC code

The management of (NBC) has been proactive in monitoring activities of broadcasting, radio/television stations and online media platforms. But the social media with its biased, unprofessional and unethical reportage of government activities, institutions, public officials and the society at large often misinforms the public, maligns public officials and shakes the confidence of the general public […]

On miss-representation of the 6th NBC code

National Broadcasting Commission (NBC)

The management of (NBC) has been proactive in monitoring activities of broadcasting, radio/television stations and online media platforms.

But the social media with its biased, unprofessional and unethical reportage of government activities, institutions, public officials and the society at large often misinforms the public, maligns public officials and shakes the confidence of the general public on the mass media.

The revised 6th Edition of the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) Code is geared at curbing the excesses of broadcast stations and online platforms whose stock-in trade is dishing out falsehood to the innocent public.

We the Coalition of Civil Society Groups for Good Governance, Equity and Social Justice, are solidly behind the NBC in its patriotic campaign to control the social media, which regularly broadcast falsehood and hate speech, so as to enhance objectivity.

We admonish broadcast stations, social media and all well-meaning Nigerians to join hands with the NBC to control the vile activities of the social media and rogue broadcast stations. Its is noteworthy that the penalty in respect of the breach of the NBC Code (15.5) was reduced to the sum of N5 million only from the N20 million only fine.

At this juncture, it is pertinent to note that the broadcast stations are responsible for payment of penalties and not the individual. So, broadcasters must make reasonable effort to play by the rules and regulations guiding the NBC.

We, as a Coalition Civil Society Groups for good Governance, Equity and Social Justice, hereby pass a vote of confidence in Professor Armstrong Idachaba, the Acting Director-General/CEO, National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) for excellently coordinating the revised 6th Edition of the NBC CODE 2020 and enjoin all critical stakeholders and the general public to support the NBC in the crusade to regulate broadcasting and the social media in Nigeria.


Maxi James Okoronkwo, Sir Ude Ejikeme & Prince Mike Newgent Ekamon JP, Coalition of Civil Society Groups for Good Governance, Equity and Social Justice