On Rep Lawal’s wells projects

Lawal constructed 10 deep wells in 10 rural villages of Toro and stressed that wells are reliable and can last longer than any other means

On Rep Lawal’s wells projects

Honorable Umar Muda Lawal

The recent wells projects executed by Honorable Umar Muda Lawal member (Toro, Bauchi State), House of Representatives, generated uproar with a number of people saying the act is ungodly.

Initially, the number of people living with typhoid as a result of drinking unhygienic water is alarming globally. As such, the United Nations (UN) included “Clean Water and Sanitation” as one of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Lawal constructed 10 deep wells in 10 rural villages of Toro and stressed that wells are reliable and can last longer than any other means of supplying water; how clean and hygienic is the well water since it’s reliable? The development is totally unwelcoming as the entire world is battling with unhygienic water.

Moreover, it’s unfortunate considering the huge constituency allowances given by the federal government which is aimed at providing portable drinking water, health facility, schools among others for the people.

It is never expected based on your promises during campaign, you promised people potable clean water, youth empowerment, scholarship award, bridges, renovation of dilapidated infrastructure among others.

Not just wells projects, most of the projects you (Umar Muda Lawal) claimed to have executed were said not to be real. It has been featured on many posters, banners you constructed solar boreholes, schools, religion centers, bridges, and donated bus, palliatives, fertilizers, as well as empowerment programs which does not exist.

Finally, note that people address you as “Buharin Toro”, due to the high hopes they have in you that you will restore and move the constituency to greater heights. Unfortunately, we are losing hope as things keep falling apart. It is nearly three years of power now, and no town in Toro has benefitted from your representation.


Ukasha Rabiu Magama

Toro LGA Bauchi State