On the coalition of Corruption and anti-Corruption (II)

How might we describe the coalition between those whose interest is the self and the self only and the lullaby being sung by the faceless and helpless majority who constantly dance like the unfortunate beast being driven to the slaughter’s slab? The coalition targeted the Prophet of Islam. But it actually targeted the helpless masses. […]

On the coalition of Corruption and anti-Corruption (II)

How might we describe the coalition between those whose interest is the self and the self only and the lullaby being sung by the faceless and helpless majority who constantly dance like the unfortunate beast being driven to the slaughter’s slab? The coalition targeted the Prophet of Islam. But it actually targeted the helpless masses. The poor. Women. Children. They desire to remove the cross and the crescent from inside the rock in order to build the cathedral of the faithless in its stead.  

Prophet Muhammad became an anti-hero for daring to rid the land of corruption and corruptible elements. To call people to order and dignity when disorder and indignities have become fashionable is to risk opprobrium and attacks of the flowers and the grains. Yes. Not the flowers but the grains. Such has been the tradition. Of the Prophets. They emerged as loners. Like madmen. Eccentrics.  In the midst of those who think only the now and here; not of there and the future. The more selfish the politician, the more successful he becomes.

The chiefs of Quraysh were disillusioned and tired of fighting with the Muslims but the boasting of these three persons impressed them and they liked and approved their plan. However, before expressing their approval they questioned the leaders of the Jews thus: “You are the people of the Scriptures and followers of Heavenly Books and can very well distinguish between truth and falsehood. You know that we have no differences with Muhammad except on account of his religion which is opposite to ours. Now please tell us frankly which of the two religions is better – ours or his which is based on the worship of the Almighty and the destruction of idols and the temples.” Let us see what reply these people, who considered themselves to be the supporters of the doctrine of monotheism, gave to the ignorant and uninformed group who had acknowledged them to be learned and had placed their difficulties before them. The intellectuals, the scholars among the Jews were quick to offer a response. Shamelessly, they replied: “Idolatry is better than the religion of Muhammad. You should remain steadfast in your faith and should not show the slightest inclination to his religion”. The Holy Qur’an refers to this incident when He says: Haven’t you seen how those who had been given a share of the Scripture believe in idols and Satan and say the disbelievers are better guided than the believers!. (Quran 4:51) Thus the Jewish clergy sacrificed the truth in their pursuit of earthly comforts. They emerged as intellectuals, intellectuals of the cathedral; the cathedral of the faithless; a cathedral where Satan is the Priest, where money is the scripture. The moment the Ulama begin to fly with the flies, excreta begins to taste better than the nectar of flowers. 

In fact, this is the policy which the materialist politicians of today adopt for the achievement of their aims and objects. It is simply Machiavellian- the end justifies the means. It reminds me of Hitler. He it was who said the sum total success of man shall always be determined by his originality plus his brutality. No politician succeeds until the Ulama take their seat in the underground. One day, Abu Sufyan wrote the following letter to the Prophet: “I have come with a big army to overthrow your religion. But what to do? For it appears that you have considered confrontation with us to be abominable and have dug a ditch between us and yourself. I do not know from whom you have learnt this military strategy, but I have to tell you that until I have waged a bloody battle like Uhud I will not return”. The Prophet sent him this reply: “From Muhammad, the Prophet of Almighty to Abu Sufyan bin Harb….You pride yourself and imagine that you can extinguish the light of Islam. However, you should know that you are too weak to do this. You will return soon after suffering defeat and I shall later, break the big idols of Quraysh before your very eyes”.

Yes. Nobody detests the Muslim more than the Muslim. The Muslim who is a Fasiq, a dhalim. They prefer the pleasures of this world; they bond with the heartless and the soulless; they gravitate towards those whose portion is of this world not of the next. In their world nothing is unlawful. Nothing is impermissible. Listen to him: “This is about politics. Do not bring religion here”. The other day the former Governor of Kogi state suddenly expired just days after his election, I became more attentive of the impossibility of the dichotomy between the secular and the profane. If indeed you could expire at any moment and at any place, does it not stand to reason then that wherever you are should be such that would please your Creator. The Coalition came to Madinah. The Coalition eventually left the precincts of the city. Vanquished. There is a new coalition around the city, around this city. Whether it succeeds or not shall be a function of where you are and the choices you make and would make. (concluded)