One long year without Bature

Known for his frankness and humbleness, the late Bature died at a time when his advice and guidance are really needed for the development of Sokoto State and the nation in general. The day of his death would forever remain one of the saddest days for the people of the state. It was a day […]

One long year without Bature
One long year without Bature

Known for his frankness and humbleness, the late Bature died at a time when his advice and guidance are really needed for the development of Sokoto State and the nation in general. The day of his death would forever remain one of the saddest days for the people of the state. It was a day of mourning of the less of a highl yr espected elder statesman who was widely known for his forthrightness, justice and fairness.

We are remembering this father figure, a man   we classified as ‘embodiments of peace and unity’ to the yearnings and aspirations of the common man of Sokoto State, north and Nigeria. The death of Alhaji Mamman Bature,  (Garkuwan Wazirin Sokoto) is a great loss and setback for the historical antecedents of the state. He was an embodiment of honesty and simplicity who brought pride to our dear state since its creation 35 years ago. The late Mamman Bature as he was fondly called by his friends and class mates, including the late Sultan Muhammadu Maccido (may his soul rest in peace) lived a life of building bridges of peace, unity and progress among people of Sokoto State.

My first encounter with him was in 1995 through the late. Alhaji Abubakar Tsohon Mafara (Durbin Sokoto) who jokingly introduced me to him as his adopted son from Dingyadi. From there on, we were constantly in touch. Alhaji Muhammadu Bature was a man of integrity and vision, who contributed immensely to the transformation of the country, Sokoto State and indeed the Caliphate. He was a person who always stood for truth, justice and fairness in all affairs. He challenged the highest authorities in defense of the masses and the downtrodden. Before his death, he was in the fore front of defending the revered Caliphate and it legacies not minding whose ox was gored. He was very religious too. He was a very accessible person.

The late Bature contributed greatly to the general administration from the Native Authority (NA) system to the present day type of governance where he left a lot for us to move the nation forward. Muhammadu Bature was highly respected   due to his positive inclination to a disciplined and studious life. He was committed to any responsibility assigned to him that would benefit the generality of the people. He was simply selfless.

He was such a highly principled man in that his words were weighty and ladened  with profound wisdom, as result people were quick to listen and act any time he spoke and admonished people to act. Because of this way of life, the late Mamman Bature was always found on both sides of the divide – the governed and the government as a result could easily dissociate himself with a failed government.

Bature’s encyclopedic memories of the Caliphate’s history will be grossly missed by the upcoming generation, especially on issues that affect Sokoto State i.e historical background.

He pioneered the establishment of various organizations in old Sokoto State to enhance the living standards of the people and create awareness among them particularly on girl-child education and skil acquisition programmes.

There is no doubt that many people, especially the down trodden had benefitted immensely from his wealth of experience and assistance in education, as he encouraged many youths to be scholarly. Today many beneficiaries of his encouragement are now qualified professional engineers, doctors, administrators and teachers.

Born in 1927, the late Muhammadu Bature attended the famous Nagarta College, Sokoto and Institute of Administration, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. He served with the Native Authority (NA) under the Marafan Sokoto, late Ahmadu Danbaba.  He was also called upon to serve the nation under Yakubu Gowon’s administration in the North Central Region. He was a Commissioner for  Revenue in the defunct North Western State of Nigeria. He served in the same capacity under the late Commissioner of Police Audu Bako’s Administration in Kano State. He was a pioneer Director at the Allied Bank of Nigeria. And jointly with the late Sidi Mamman Assarakawa, they founded the Inco Beverages Nigeria Limited, makers of King Cola and Pepsi products, in which he served as Director.

The late Muhammadu Bature initiated and executed a historical memo during the period of late Sultan Abubakar III for the re-organization of thes tructures of Jama’atul Nasril Islam (JNI) into full organization for mobilization, development and propagation of Islam. As result of these efforts, he became fully involved in all Islamic activities across   sub-Saharan states. He also initiated the constructions of many Islamiyya schools and mosques as well as  Tsangaya schools in the Caliphate. Owing to the importance of education and learning, Garkuwan Waziri made it a commitment during his life time to ensure that nobody was left behind in acquisition of education, no matter what the difficulties would be.

One of the things attributed to the deceased was his love and attention to problems that affected the  people.

The late elder statesman had counselled me severally to be objective, honest and truthful  as well as work hard during my days with the BBC Hausa Service.

The honest and committed life he lived would surely be his reward in the Hereafter. Almighty Allah (SWT) says, “But surely, the reward of the Hereafter is better for those who believe and are constant in righteousness” (Q12:57).

He was turbaned as the first Garkuwan Waziri of Sokoto by the late Waziri of Sokoto, Dr Junaid in 1995. He was a classmate and close friend to the late Sultan Muhammadu Maccido (may his soul rest in peace). It is true that late Muhammadu Bature bequeathed     legacies of peace and unity to his contemporaries. His loss is not only for the family but the entire people of this country, because he was committed to the unity and survival of our Caliphate in particular and nation in general. Our leaders need to borrow a leaf   from his way of life by emulating his good work, honesty and committeemen to the propagation of Islam and peaceful coexistence with other believers. The late Muhammadu Bature’s hobby in life is only one, recitation of the Holy Qur’an. Those who benefitted from his kindness said he always rendered  assistance   to them secretly without letting a third party to know. Thus obeying Allah’s commandment which said “Whoever does right whether male or female and is a believer, we will make him live a good life and We will award them their reward for the best of what they used to do” (Q16:97).

Allah knows best, He does the best, He gives the best, He is the best, may He make his departure the best by granting him a permanent place inside Aljannah Firdaus. Rest in peace, our dear Garkuwan Talakawa!!

Dingyadi,  a freelance journalist, wrote from Sokoto.