One year after the exit of a rare gem

I tried drawing strength from friends, ran to the embrace of family, I even drowned myself in work, but none seems to fill the gap. The shoes you left since your departure this one year are yet to be filled. I guess the problem is with the size. Your total dedication in church activities, unwavering […]

One year after the exit of a rare gem
One year after the exit of a rare gem

I tried drawing strength from friends, ran to the embrace of family, I even drowned myself in work, but none seems to fill the gap. The shoes you left since your departure this one year are yet to be filled. I guess the problem is with the size. Your total dedication in church activities, unwavering love for me as a mother, to your friends, and the entire family still remain unrivalled.
John Olukayode Joel, you truly left an indelible mark in the life of everyone you met, at 29 years old, you had achieved a lot. It’s because of the cold hands of untimely death; the world would have had more to taste of your strong belief in self-empowerment and entrepreneurship. Joel each time I remember the way you planned your future, my heart bleeds in agony.
However, I take solace in the fact that you lived a glorious life right from your infancy to death. Oh, the depth of pain and the image on my mind is still heavy in my heart whenever I recall your death on April 14, 2014 at 6.45am, caused by the Nyanya bomb blast in Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Nigeria a country where no one cares or bothers about the lost souls. You graduated as a chemical engineer from Federal University of TechnologyMinna in Niger State and after youcompletedyour NYSC in Abuja just when I was hoping to see you get married and to witness your wedding day; it was first a period of luck or would I say blessing, when you immediately got a temporary job to start with.
That very first day which was to mark a new beginning in another phase of your life, was the same day that brought an end to all your dreams and plans. It was on your way, enthusiastically leaving home in good time in order not to be late on you r first day at work, that you fell prey to the cold hands of death, unannounced to me as a mother.
My John, my Joel, my Jewel, you were only two months in my womb when your father passed away. I was consoled by the fact that a precious gift was soon to be born. For 29 years you were more than a consolation. There was no reason to ask God Almighty why he had taken my husband away because you were a complete bundle of joy to me every single day of your 29 years on earth.
I am tempted to ask the Creator why He has taken away my only child. But then I remember he is the All-knowing and All Purpose God, and perhaps it pleases him to take you home. Because he is the unquestionable God, for that I say Kabiyesi.
If you are given a second chance in the hereafter to choose a mother or if there is a second coming to this world, please Olukayode do not hesitate to come back as my son. JOEL I miss you in every day of my life, I miss your jokes that made me laugh and laugh, your cousins and friends miss you.
John Olukayode Joel my treasure sun ree o – continue to rest in the bosom of the Almighty God, where we shall meet and part no more. Good night my lovely and wonderful son.
In your departure, Olukayode, God raised so many for me as support from far and near. Many of whom are a testimony of how you lived your life and how you related with them. I cannot but say thank you to everyone of you for not abandoning me. The memories you bring back of my son, are beautiful and gratifying. For these, I cannot but say thank you God for giving the opportunity to be mother to a son like Olukayode Joel.  

Joel wrote in from Abuja.