Online advert app debuts in Abuja

An online advertisement mobile application, Services On Data App (SODA), an information technology company, has been unveiled in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja. Speaking at the launch at the weekend in Abuja, the developer, Mr Tobias Adedokun, said the application is a unique platform that provides a digitalized aggregation of all services and businesses […]

Online advert app debuts in Abuja

An online advertisement mobile application, Services On Data App (SODA), an information technology company, has been unveiled in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja.

Speaking at the launch at the weekend in Abuja, the developer, Mr Tobias Adedokun, said the application is a unique platform that provides a digitalized aggregation of all services and businesses under one platform.

Adedokun said SODA was a one-stop application that provides real-time, online information on services available with each neighbourhood at the tap of the button.

The web developer, who said the application was borne out of frustrations of accessing information on available service providers online at the expiration of their advert period, said the app is to enhance business interaction between service providers and consumers.

“We have heard experiences over and over again where people spend so much on advert on business or particular service but get less or no result because their targeted customers are not reached or the duration of such adverts have expired. So, they could not fulfill their purpose of reaching the respected targeted audience in need of such services.

“Also, so many businesses and services are left un-patronised day in day out while so many people are in need of. They might be so close in our neighbourhood or community and the world at large but yet are not noticed nor get patronized. SODA was borne out of this vacuum of uncertainty. We can gladly say those days are over. Today, we see a new world emerging, something bigger than just getting a provider of any kind of service but avenue to eliminate cheats and find numerous experts and professionals providing the same services online,” he said.

He added the services messenger platform was created to break the monopoly of digital marketing transactions using global standard to give customers the power to access service providers within the country.

Adedokun further said SODA which already boasts of over 1,700 service categories aims to engage 5,000 Nigerians in its service thereby curbing unemployment while building a network of trusted vendors.