Open Letter to Governor Ahmad Aliyu of Sokoto

First and foremost, allow me to extend my warm congratulations on your well-deserved election as the Executive Governor of Sokoto…

Open Letter to Governor Ahmad Aliyu of Sokoto

Governor of Sokoto State, Ahmed Aliyu

Dear Governor Dr. Ahmed Aliyu Sokoto,

First and foremost, allow me to extend my warm congratulations on your well-deserved election as the Executive Governor of Sokoto State. Your victory by a significant margin of 50,000 votes against your closest opponent in the 2023 general elections is a testament to the people’s trust and confidence in your leadership. I write to you today as a concerned citizen and proud indigene of Sokoto State, seeking your urgent attention to a critical matter that requires immediate action – the security of lives and property in our beloved state.

Sir, you have made a promising start already. In the first nine days of your tenure, a considerable progress have been achieved without much fanfare. And, If you continue in this manner, the title of an “action governor” would be most fitting for you. Notably, the restoration of piped water supply to Sokoto metropolis has brought smiles to the faces of its residents, earning you the prayers and support of thousands. Additionally, your prompt action in addressing the issue of electric power disconnections in government ministries due to the previous administration’s negligence is commendable. It is reassuring to witness your commitment to excellence without indulging in self-aggrandizement, as you consistently attribute your accomplishments to divine intervention

While commending you on the above, I feel compelled to draw your attention to the prevailing insecurity in a specific area known as “MORE.” This region, located in Sokoto metropolis, has become a hotbed of criminal activities, including frequent attacks by bandits and kidnappers who seem to have a free reign, particularly during the night when they enjoy relative impunity. These incidents have resulted in loss of lives and properties, causing distress and prompting mass emigration from the area.

It is distressing to witness the vulnerability of the MORE area, given its proximity to historically significant landmarks such as the Sultan’s Palace and the former Premier’s house, Sir Ahmad Bello Sardauna of Sokoto. Additionally, MORE serves as the gateway to Sokoto metropolis from neighboring Niger Republic, making its security crucial for the overall well-being of the state.

To effectively address this pressing issue, I propose several potential solutions for your consideration:

1. Advocate for a Permanent Military Base: As the Executive Governor of Sokoto State, you possess the platform and influence to request and insist on the establishment of a permanent military base in the MORE area. Given the shared political party affiliation between the federal government and Sokoto State, this request holds a higher chance of success. You may also utilize your political connections, particularly with your political principal, Senator Wamakko and who has great audience with the President Tinubu, to further facilitate this process. A permanent military presence would significantly enhance security, acting as a deterrent to criminal activities.

2. Construct a Mass Housing Project: Consider implementing a mass housing project in the vicinity of the MORE area and allocate a portion of these houses to security personnel for residency as did by your mentor, Wamakko. By fostering a sense of community and ensuring the presence of security forces in close proximity, this strategy can effectively reduce security challenges and allow for prompt responses to any incidents.

3. Relocate Customs and Immigration Offices and residence: Another viable solution is relocating the entire Customs and Immigration offices, along with their personnel, to the MORE area. Given their crucial role in border protection against illegal immigration and the transportation of illicit goods, this relocation would optimize their effectiveness, as Nigeria’s international border in Sokoto lies in the direction of the MORE area.

Furthermore, I pray that you prioritize equitable development across Sokoto State. In the past, certain areas, including MORE, have been neglected during government-led expansions, resulting in a disproportionate distribution of resources and services. To foster balanced development, it is essential that any future expansion plans prioritize the neglected areas, including MORE.

Governor Ahmed Aliyu Sokoto, the people of Sokoto State have placed their faith in your attentive and receptive leadership. By addressing the pressing security concerns in the MORE area and implementing the suggested solutions, you will not only secure the lives and property of Sokoto’s residents but also demonstrate your unwavering commitment to their well-being.

I express my sincere gratitude for your time and dedication to the betterment of the people who have entrusted you with their hopes and aspirations. May your tenure be marked by remarkable achievements and substantial progress for the great state of Sokoto.

(Finally I sincerely condole with you Sir over the recent lost of many lives in Tangaza local government due to banditry)

Buhari Bello
[A Concerned Indigene of Sokoto State]

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