Open letter to Governor Lalong

As a patriotic and progressive youth, I most first of all commend your efforts in ensuring security and safety of people on the plateau but notwithstanding i could not help but register my dissatisfaction with the state of affairs in the state as it regards our people’s plight and decades of neglect by the government […]

Open letter to Governor Lalong
Open letter to Governor Lalong

As a patriotic and progressive youth, I most first of all commend your efforts in ensuring security and safety of people on the plateau but notwithstanding i could not help but register my dissatisfaction with the state of affairs in the state as it regards our people’s plight and decades of neglect by the government alongside a numerous plea to your administration to rescue this dire situation. Excuse the curtness of my manners. The intensity of my pain has almost robbed me entirely of formality.

My passionate plea is not for a personal gain but driven by patriotic sentiments of ensuring balanced development and justice for all, because no freedom is freedom until everyone is free and treated equal without segregation, therefore we demand a positive revision of government’s position on issues concerning our people and their welfare.

Your Excellency our people are facing a troubling time, as we witness a fatal inconsistency on the promises made, I humbly believe that it will not be an exaggerations to assert that little or no attention have been paid to the Jasawa dominated areas of Jos North despite the huge political support this government enjoyed from us during the previous election, the body language and disposition of the government betrays the so called good intentions the government may have, since justice most not only be done to our people but most be visibly seen to have been done in order to correct decades of neglect and abandonment by previous administrations and lately this one inclusive. This is why we are left with two options to either register our displeasure through this medium so as to come to our rescue or be left to continue suffering so disproportionately in silence.

Furthermore, between 1999 and 2015, the state received Massive federal allocations including provisions for projects and social welfare but our areas are yet to benefits from any meaningful projects or empowerment. Our people bear the scars of their just demand for their developmental drive and social justice, most often we sacrifice our wealth and Labour for the thriving of the area. Therefore we come together and make a solemn and legitimate demand so as change the face of doing things in our dear state with commensurate focus on the people that others forget, people in need, people who face discrimination and segregation, people whose voices are ignored and people that are internally dislodged and displaced.

It is a ridiculous and unspeakable source of collective shame to humanity that an incredible number of people are living without state projects and where it’s initiated it often abandoned like the various access roads to our areas, it is a great source of disrepute that our dear area ranked the least with government projects.

More painful is the recent attempt to construct roads to various communities but abandoned at scratch thereby leaving people in pain and miserable condition especially when it rains, and during dry season the people are greeted with dust with all its health consequences therein. Once again our people are left to live with the dusty road that’s meant to ameliorate their hardships.

Your Excellency, we cannot make any meaningful progress in the state without balancing of developmental projects and until we’re freed from all forms of segregation, oppression and psychological intimidation. We also want you to fulfill the numerous promises this administration made to the people of plateau, particularly as it relates to the plight of our people in general.

There should be a genuine projects execution in the area and initiation of new ones jointly involving the people. The people of Jos North stand ready to assist you in your efforts to strengthen security and enhance good governance.

Abu Muhammad, Jos, Plateau State