Oppositions in Kaduna disagree with KSMC, FRCN over use of state-owned media

They often argued there are no directive or instruction from the government or management of the organisations preventing any producer or editor from accommodating the oppositions. It was said that the  journalists themselves in most cases engage in what is called ‘self censorship’ due to fear of been queried or fired if they report negative […]

Oppositions in Kaduna disagree with KSMC, FRCN over use of state-owned media
Oppositions in Kaduna disagree with KSMC, FRCN over use of state-owned media

They often argued there are no directive or instruction from the government or management of the organisations preventing any producer or editor from accommodating the oppositions. It was said that the  journalists themselves in most cases engage in what is called ‘self censorship’ due to fear of been queried or fired if they report negative stories about the government.
In Kaduna State, the Director, Planning and Research of Kaduna North Local Government Campaign committee of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Mohammed Sani, said government owned media outfits have become an extension of PDP, alleging that they are not being given a level-playing ground to air their views like the ruling party.
“What they are doing is very disappointing and unprofessional. You will see a public servant who is supposed to be a professional journalist coming out to campaign for someone. To me, they have become the media arm of PDP, they don’t give level-playing ground to other political parties, they hardly accept adverts from the opposition and when they do, they are highly censored. When you take advert there, they will tell you the advert is inflammatory and as such it has to be doctored or changed; so taking adverts there is like waste of resources,” he alleged.
Also, a All Progressive Congress (APC) stalwart, Zubairu Shan’una who was a former councillor of Ungwar Sarki and also a legislative aide to the member representing Kaduna North at the House of representatives alleged that the state media organisation hardly air anything that has to do with the opposition.
“For instance, let’s start from the local media, Kaduna State Media Corporation (KSMC), you hardly hear anything whether advert or programme that has to do with the opposition party and if eventually they do, you find them editing what the opposition party or member has said about the ruling party,”
“Whenever we have any programme on radio, you will not hear exactly what the opposition has said. If it is a live programme, you will find them breaking along the line or breaking unnecessarily for commercials,” he said.
Speaking further, he said “If we are to go national, everyone is aware of the documentary aired by AIT and NTA, if it were the opposition that took such documentary to the media stations, they will insist on getting a balance before they air it. But since it is the ruling party, anything can go,” he lamented.
Speaking to our reporter, the Executive Director, Radio Services of Kaduna State Media Corporation (KSMC), Yakubu Lere in an interview told Sunday Trust that the station has never turned down anybody, or any request from the opposition to  air their opinion. He challenged whoever has been turned down by the station to come forth and speak.
“Let me put the record straight, we covered all APC primaries without them paying a Kobo. This allegation is not true and it is regrettable. During the APC primaries, we sent our reporters to the 23 local government areas of the state to cover the primaries after which we had a live interactive programme with them; even though it coincided with that of PDP, we still gave them equal opportunities,”
“They are also complaining that we don’t give them airtime to air their views. Do not forget this is government media organisation, our priority is unity and dignity of every player but what the opposition wants most of the time are unnecessary accusations and insults.  As far as I am concerned, it is the opposition that are running away from us because they never brought their campaign to us and we turned them down.
“We have never turned down their press releases neither have we at any time refuse to air their interviews. The only thing we don’t allow is live broadcast because it is part of NBC regulations not to do so. Some will just come on air and say all manner of inciting statements. What we do is to record them and then edit to avoid chaos in the state and even the country at large. It is also worthy of note that we don’t go on air with any political programme without balancing. We make sure we balance before airing any political story.”
Speaking further, he said, “If You can go through our bulletins, you will see that we are being fair to everybody. We carry all opposition stories be it from whatever party. In fact, just few days ago, a PDP chieftain complained that we gave APC a lead headline. Even the Governor who sent me here said we should ensure equal balance. Quote me anywhere, the Governor made it known that they are indigene of Kaduna state, as such, we must give them equal rights,”
Also reacting, the Zonal Director of Radio Nigeria, Kaduna, Abba Zayyan, said even though the outfit is owned by government, they work strictly on professional basis. “Political activities are our own business and we are expected to do what is right by giving all the parties involved equal share of whatever is to be given to them.
“There are political programmes that are paid for and there are other events or issues that we do as part of our civic responsibility. We give equal platform and opportunity to all political parties. Where they have events and they require our services like outside broadcast, which is commercial, we give them. Whoever comes, we allow them to do that, the only thing we always tell the political parties is that we are guided by the code as provided by the regulatory agency. Whatever we do, we are guided by the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC),”
“Where a politician comes in to say things that are not palatabe, that is, not going in tandem with If you have been listening to our station, you will find out that we take advert from all political parties and we give them opportunity. If there are instances we are to cover as news items, we cover news items whether we are invited or not, because we are concerned about the way and manner things are going on in the country,” he said.
Zayyan said further  that “if you look at what is happening in FRCN Kaduna, you will see that equal opportunity is being given to all the parties. If you pay, we do it, where it is our duty to do it, we do what is expected of us and we have covered so many from the opposition and ruling parties. I must tell you that we have been playing by the book and I have to give this credit that we have never at any point received any information or letter of directive not to allow anybody or to give preference to any political party.”