Organised labour warns Chinese companies against casualisation

The warning was preceded by a rally to mark this year’s “decent work day”, which brought together members of the Trade Union Congress (TUC) and Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and stakeholders from civil society organisations.Speaking at the joint picketing of Linda Manufacturing Company, Agege, producer of Expression Hair  Attachment, President of National Union of Textile, […]

Organised labour warns Chinese companies against casualisation
Organised labour warns Chinese companies against casualisation

The warning was preceded by a rally to mark this year’s “decent work day”, which brought together members of the Trade Union Congress (TUC) and Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and stakeholders from civil society organisations.
Speaking at the joint picketing of Linda Manufacturing Company, Agege, producer of Expression Hair  Attachment, President of National Union of Textile, Garment and Tailoring Workers of Nigeria (NUTGTWN), Comrade Hunsu Dele, said  the ugly incidence is a collective failure of the three tiers of government to enforce existing laws on anti-labour activities in Nigeria.
Another labour leader, Comrade Gafaru Mohammed said “we are against indecent work in Nigeria and we are here today to protest against the death of worker and maltreatment by the management. In October last year, we had a similar protest to express our displeasure over the anti-labour activities by companies, especially foreigners who have converted our land into slave trade ground.”
He added that “we need decent jobs not just anyhow jobs and that is why we are against casualisation because casual workers among other things are not entitled to annual leave, they have no medical and other allowances.”
Assistant General Secretary of NUTGTWN Comrade Ismail Bello explained that the essence of the rally was to sensitize the public and companies to stop precarious work and to let them know that workers have the rights to join unions.
“I can assure you that it is not going to be easy for any employer who engages in such acts because unions have joined hands to fight this battle as their action constitutes an absolute violation of ILO Convention 87, which guarantees freedom of association for workers and employers,” he said.