Osun queen mother dead

A paramount traditional ruler in Osun State, the Oloni of Eti-Oni, Oba Taiwo Dokun Thompson on Monday evening lost his 84-year-old mother, Olori Margaret Olatunde Thompson.   Daily Trust learnt that the mother of the renowned traditional ruler died at St Anne’s Church Hospital, Molete, Ibadan, Oyo State after her last words in which she […]

Osun queen mother dead
Osun queen mother dead

A paramount traditional ruler in Osun State, the Oloni of Eti-Oni, Oba Taiwo Dokun Thompson on Monday evening lost his 84-year-old mother, Olori Margaret Olatunde Thompson.

Daily Trust learnt that the mother of the renowned traditional ruler died at St Anne’s Church Hospital, Molete, Ibadan, Oyo State after her last words in which she said "Well, I have done my own bit and I am on my way out”, according to her nanny.
The traditional ruler in a chat with Daily Trust correspondent this morning confirmed the death of his mother, the Yeye-Oba (Queen Mother) Of Eti-Oni whose 85th birthday was billed to be celebrated elaborately in June this year.
Oba Thompson said, "Her Royal Highness, Olori Margaret Olatunde Thompson, nee Majekodunmi has passed on. She left some minutes after she was taken to the hospital. We give glory to God for her life. She had a twin sister and we were hoping to celebrate their 85th birthday this June."
The monarch described his late mother as a quintessential woman always ready to sacrifice herself for the survival of her offspring. She was born on June 10, 1932 and she died on February 27, 2017.
According to the monarch, “despite the uncertainties, the pains, the struggles, the sacrifices, she never looks back in regret but looks up to her creator, The Almighty God, in smiles, joy, happiness, gratitude and thanksgiving for having been given the opportunity.
“Today, we celebrate Motherhood in reverence and adoration giving glory to God for our Mother and thanking her for everything as she was received with the sounds of trumpets and shouts of halleluyah before her maker,” the monarch said.