Our challenges will be history

1Corinthians 10:13 “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4) 12 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR CHALLENGESHow do we handle the dark valleys of life? These facts about challenges can help.1. […]

Our challenges will be history
Our challenges will be history

1Corinthians 10:13

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4)

How do we handle the dark valleys of life? These facts about challenges can help.
1. There is nothing new. You are not the only one with problems. Problem is common. Problems don’t mean you are a bad person. They mean you are a person. In Matthew 5:45, Jesus said, “He … sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” Most people you think don’t have problems are covering their own. Everyone has issues.
2. God knows. No problem comes to you without God’s knowledge and permission. Never blame God for the problem however. That He permitted it does not mean He is responsible.
3. Satan fights hardest whom the Lord is going to use the most – learn from Joseph, Moses, David and Jesus Christ himself who were attacked.
4. The area of your life where you are tested the most is where you are destined to be greatest-Joseph who was destined to excel in leadership first became a slave and a prisoner, Sarah who was destined to be the mother of a holy nation experienced barrenness for close to 25 years. Don’t quit, you are heading for greatness.
5. The attack in your present is aimed at stopping your future. A baby is harmless you may say, but if that baby is going to grow up to be Jesus the Saviour, then there is a problem. Satan is not fighting you because of where you are but where you are going and what you will become. The completion of your assignment is a threat to the enemy.
6. It is for your overall good. “All things work together for good…” Valleys are purposeful. God has a reason for taking us through them. 1Peter 1:6-7 says, “These [trials] have come so that your faith … may be proved genuine.” Pain can be productive. God wants to build our faith in the valleys. We love the mountaintops, but we build faith in the valleys. When we come face to face with a dark valley, we get on our knees.
God allows challenges to make you stronger, not weaker; better not bitter-when He has tried me I shall come forth as gold. Progress is nothing more than another obstacle overcome or another problem solved. But here is what I want you to see: concealed in every problem is a ladder to the next level. Problems are opportunities. A man’s imported machine broke down and he could find anyone around to fix it. In his search he discovered that there were many other people in a similar situation. He decided to turn the problem into an opportunity. He then contacted the company abroad and asked if they would make him their representative in Nigeria if he sent someone to be trained to fix their machines. The company gladly agreed and a new company was born from which he now makes millions of Naira. Solve your problem and help others solve theirs; you will grow rich. I have a doctor friend abroad who went through the challenges of securing a good job in the UK. He became a consultant. He then decided to document his experience to help others with a similar quest. Publishers jumped at it and today he is making money from solving his own problem and helping others solve theirs.
7. Every problem is temporary. You situation is for a season. It has an expiry date. Our light affliction is but for a moment. We merely walk through the valley of the shadow of death, not dwell there.
8. You can handle it. Secondary school questions are never given to primary school pupils. God knows your level. He never allows into your life any problem that will destroy you. He knows your elastic limit. He knows your capacity. The challenge may appear bigger than you but it is tailor made for you. We grow in our capacity to solve problems if we don’t run away from them. Your attitude will determine how long you remain in that situation.
9. You are programmed to survive. This should give you hope. God programmed your recovery before you went down. He is faithful; there is a way out of your present predicament. It may not be the way you want it or when you want it but He will deliver you. Delay is not denial. God may decide to guide us through painful circumstances instead of helping us escape them.
10. You can praise your way out of the valley. The God-factor is your winning edge. Acts 16:23-30 Victory is guaranteed the praising Christian. He helps you to fight when you pray; but he takes over the fight when you praise. 2Chronicles 20:21-25. Remember, God is not wicked, God is not weak and God cannot be wrong!
11. Recognize the place of the anointing. The anointing on Moses played a significant role in delivering Israel from slavery in Egypt. The anointing on Elijah helped the poor widow from dying of starvation. The anointing on Elisha saved another widow from losing her children to creditors. The anointing on Jesus brought numerous financial and physical blessings to his followers. Some people don’t recognize this anointing. We must recognize the anointing on our spiritual leaders if we are to survive our problems as a nation. The anointing is a cover for everyone brought under it.
I have also seen pastors who disengage themselves from a place they are doing well thinking it was because of their own anointing. God takes from the spirit of the leader (the corporate anointing) to put on the assistants so the work will be done. Anyone who misreads that and goes off will just dry up. He may remain anointed for some time but it won’t last.
12. Exploit the power of sowing seeds of recovery. Someone said that the best way to predict the future is to create it. Your seed is your investment into your future. It is your power to create that future you desire. Without sowing positive seeds today, your future is guaranteed to look very much like today if not worse. What kind of seeds are you sowing now; will it get you out of trouble and guarantee the peace and comfort you seek?
I see Nigeria coming out of its present challenges! Nigeria will survive by the special grace of God. We will emerge stronger and better. I see you coming out of that ugly situation in Jesus name. I prophesy your rapid recovery and restoration in Jesus’ name. You will not only come out of that situation, you will be honoured at the end of it. Your enemies will not laugh last; you will! Remember, weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.
Bishop-elect (Dr.) Charles Olowojoba is the President of Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l and Bishop-Elect of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide,  e-mail: [email protected]  website: dayspringcmi.org