Outrageous billing: CPC summons DISCOs over consumers’ complaints

Inundated with consumers complaints on exploitative electricity billing, the Consumer Protection Council (CPC) has summoned all electricity Distribution Companies (DISCOs) in the country to a hearing on the matter. There have been complaints on alleged outrageous billings through estimated consumption. CPC issued the summons in response to complaints of exploitative estimated billings and non-provision of […]

Outrageous billing: CPC summons DISCOs over consumers’ complaints
Outrageous billing: CPC summons DISCOs over consumers’ complaints

Inundated with consumers complaints on exploitative electricity billing, the Consumer Protection Council (CPC) has summoned all electricity Distribution Companies (DISCOs) in the country to a hearing on the matter.
There have been complaints on alleged outrageous billings through estimated consumption.
CPC issued the summons in response to complaints of exploitative estimated billings and non-provision of metres.
The Council warned that absence by any of the companies at the hearing would be regarded as a violation of its enabling Act.
In a letter signed by its Director General, Mrs. Dupe Atoki, the Council fixed Monday, September 7, for the hearing.
The letter stated that the Council had been “inundated with complaints commonly referred to as ‘crazy billing’ by DISCOs are alleged to arbitrarily determine consumption level of consumers of electricity and bill them accordingly.”
The Council also notified the companies that it “received complaints that many consumers have paid for metres for periods spanning over 12 months, but are yet to be supplied same by their respective DISCOs.”