Over 2000 pregnant women get free delivery kits

Over 2000 pregnant women have received free delivery kits from the wife of Kano state governor Dr. Hafsat Abdullahi Umar Ganduje. Dr. Hafsat distributed the kits during the launching of a women empowerment initiative programme to enable the women attend self-reliance level. Addressing the beneficiaries, Dr. Hafsat said the administration has placed greater emphasis on […]

Over 2000 pregnant women get free delivery kits

Over 2000 pregnant women have received free delivery kits from the wife of Kano state governor Dr. Hafsat Abdullahi Umar Ganduje.

Dr. Hafsat distributed the kits during the launching of a women empowerment initiative programme to enable the women attend self-reliance level.

Addressing the beneficiaries, Dr. Hafsat said the administration has placed greater emphasis on women empowerment and health adding that the donation was meant to encourage them to attend antenatal clinics and also to deliver their babies in the hospital.

She added that, the beneficiaries were drawn from Kwankwaso in Madobi local government and Gwarzo.

According to her under the empowerment initiative 500 women were empowered with N5000 each. She called on the women to take advantage of the Ganduje-led administration’s free health care services especially for pregnant women and children under five which offers free health delivery services from pregnancy to delivery.

Earlier, in his remark the Commissioner for Health, Dr Kabiru Ibrahim Getso, said that, the government has renovated and supplied drugs to 300 secondary and primary health facilities in the state adding that skilled medical personnel have been recruited and state-of-the-art equipment were also provided to the those facilities.

Similarly, in his address, the District Head of Madobi Alhaji Musa Sale Kwankwaso, represented by the Village Head of Kwankwaso, Alhaji Baba Musa Sale, thanked the governor’s wife for the initiative, which he said would boost the socio-economic wellbeing of the people in the area.