Pandora Papers: ActionAid calls for measures to stamp out tax evasion

The Action Aid Nigeria (AAN) and ActionAid International (AAI) Thursday said the recent leaked Pandora papers revealed..

Pandora Papers: ActionAid calls for measures to stamp out tax evasion

The Action Aid Nigeria (AAN) and ActionAid International (AAI) Thursday said the recent leaked Pandora papers revealed yet again the extensive use of tax havens and tax secrecy by the economic and political elite.

They stressed the need for governments to step up efforts to stamp out tax evasion.

This is contained in a statement jointly signed by AAI Secretary General, Julia Sánchez and AAN Country Director Ene Obi.

They said five years had passed since the Panama papers, which exposed the dodgy tax dealings of a Panama based law firm and its clients and eight years since the G20 mandated the BEPS process, intended to end tax avoidance and satisfy people’s demands for tax justice and fairness.