‘Parents should cooperate with govt to tackle early marriage’

You recently stated at an event that early marriage is increasing in the north?Yes, it is increasing in northern Nigeria and we have also noticed it increasing in many parts of West African countries. This because of the declining educational opportunities for young girls, and the deepening poverty that is making some people have an […]

‘Parents should cooperate with govt to tackle early marriage’
‘Parents should cooperate with govt to tackle early marriage’

You recently stated at an event that early marriage is increasing in the north?
Yes, it is increasing in northern Nigeria and we have also noticed it increasing in many parts of West African countries. This because of the declining educational opportunities for young girls, and the deepening poverty that is making some people have an excuse to discharge their female children for marriage. With the view of getting some small ‘change’ with which they can get a relief but if you look at it, it is not really a relief.
You are actually mortgaging the future, health and life of that child. Because we have seen many of these children given out for marriage at a tender age, especially when they are not able to decide whether they like the man or not, ending up having problems. Because their body is not yet mature to go through pregnancy.
In most cases they end up having Vesico Vaginal Fistula (VVF) and the men usually run away. We have been to hospitals and seen these young girls whose husbands abandoned them, and in some cases they out rightly divorce them. Therefore we think it is not fair, it is inhuman, and cheating.
That is why we are advocating for a minimum age that will be applicable to every child. By then the child would have gone to primary school and possibly even secondary school before you her out for marriage.
 For example under Islam, marriage happens only when there is consent of the parties. We noticed in many cases where these small children  are given out at the age of 12 or  13 years that they cannot  think and reflect on what is good for them or not. We think that has violated the principle of Islamic marriage.
Of course the other principle of the marriage has to do with the witness and paying dowry. But one of the most important principles of marriage in Islam is the consent of the person. You cannot say that a child has capacity to decide on what she or he should have.
Also most importantly given the fact that there is serious deficit health financing in Nigeria, government is not able to meet the medical bills of many of these young girls that have been victim of VVF and other related problems.
We think that it is important for parents to cooperate with the government to allow their children have a future. Because if a child is not educated, definitely that child becomes a liability. And if the child is educated tomorrow that child can even help the parents.
So instead of throwing your child in the hands of a wicked person who will destroy her future , it is important that parents protect their children and also help them grow to decide what is good for them.
We also noticed that after this marriage even where there are health problems, some of these irresponsible men just divorce the girls within six months to one year without taking them into consideration.
 That is why you see many of them now roaming the streets either begging or men taking advantage of their financial difficulty to use them for sex slavery. It is really inhuman, totally un-Islamic , and totally anti-human right to continue with this kind of wicked practice.
That is why we are calling on parents and government and all stakeholders to please make sure their children are properly educated at least up to secondary school level before they give them out for marriage.
Do you have statistics of this increasing number in the north?
Actually it is on-going. There are many researches going on but I know that it is very predominant in northern Nigeria. While it is early marriage in the north, in the south you have teenage pregnancy. Young girls are being impregnated just for commercial purposes or for just sexual pleasure there . There are baby factories in some places in the south where wicked men impregnate young girls and give them a token. At the end of the day they may not even survive.The practice is totally unacceptable for any decent society.
In some of the countries you are advocating for pegging minimum marriage age are people who because of their religious and cultural beliefs do not agree to a stipulated marriage age. For them a child can be married off when she reaches puberty, how do you intend to convince them?
It is very simple. They need to go to the hospitals to see for themselves how these girls are dying and nobody is helping them. So if you want to throw away your daughter and put her through that kind of calamity, it means you don’t really love your daughter. I don’t see any responsible person who will see untimely death for his daughter and allow her to go in especially with this kind of enlightenment that is going on.
Responsible parents seeing this kind of repercussion will refrain from the hasty decision of giving out their children for marriage without even seeking their consent.
Do you think the international conventions that Nigeria is signatory to are being implemented in the country especially the ones on gender and women rights?
If they are being implemented we wouldn’t be talking about these issues now. Many African countries are signatories to these conventions but never domesticate or implement them. It is of great concern for us that is why we are calling on Nigerian government to implement the laws and show commitment so that we can look respectable in the eyes of the world.
In the sub region, what other issue gives you concern?
Insecurity in the region arising from political violence is of serious concern to us. You saw what happened in Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Niger and what nearly happened in Nigeria. The tension is growing because of the selfish interest of  leaders who tried to change the laws of their country to favour them.
That is why we are supporting ECOWAS on the issue of tenure limit so that the leaders can do what is right ,and not plunge their country in crises.
What is your advice for the new administration of General Muhammadu Buhari?
The administration has opportunity to address so many of these wrong doings especially corruption and insecurity. We are hoping he will sanitize the system giving his past records, so that he will be able to bring back the discipline that we need in this country.
A lot of things are not working well, we hope the new administration will create job opportunities for millions of our youth that are just idle .
Most importantly to also block corruption and all leakages , so that we can have enough resources to develop this country.
The National Assembly should know that they are being expected to make laws that will ensure good governance and accountability,  and also cooperate with the federal government to do the right thing. If the national assembly does not carry out its responsibilities as a law making body, we wouldn’t be able to have the change we have been desiring for.
I wish to call on government to be more proactive in responding to the yearnings and aspirations of Nigerians. Nigerians are expecting a lot from this government so this government should give them hope and confidence that they are there to bring the necessary sanity for them to have a sense of belonging, and contribute to the development of this country.
Chibok girls?
It is painful that the girls are yet to be rescued till now. It is unfortunate that it happened,  and the previous administration almost made it a none issue possibly because the children are not children of big men. I hope that the government of Buhari is committed to the issue of security and will rescue the girls and reunite them with their parents.

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