Permissible Deeds in Ramadan

In the name of Allah, most beneficent, most merciful. All praises are for Allah, we seek His help and forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allah from the evil of our own souls. Whomsoever Allah guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allah leaves astray, no one can guide. I bear witness that there is […]

Permissible Deeds in Ramadan
Permissible Deeds in Ramadan

In the name of Allah, most beneficent, most merciful. All praises are for Allah, we seek His help and forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allah from the evil of our own souls. Whomsoever Allah guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allah leaves astray, no one can guide. I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship but Allah alone, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.

Assalamu Alaikum!

This week, inshaAllah, we will end our discussion on the sunnah and etiquettes of fasting. Thereafter, we would talk about those things that a fasting person is allowed to engage in. We pray to Allah to guide us. 

(Continuation) Sunnah and Etiquettes of fasting

• The person who fasts should avoid backbiting, obscenity and lies on pain of losing his reward. As bn Majaah reported, the prophet (pbuh) said: “It may be that such a person gets nothing from fasting except hunger.”

• A fasting person should avoid quiz shows, soap operas, movies, and sports shows, idle gathering, hanging about in the street with evil people and time wasters, driving around without purpose, crowding the streets and sidewalks. One should instead occupy oneself with dhikr (glorifying Allah) and worship. Prayers in congregation should strictly be adhered to. Those fasting should refrain from sleeping all day.

• The month of Ramadan should not be turned into a begging month unless there is absolute need. The well to do should feed the poor, as there is great reward for that.

• A person that fasts should not quarrel or allow himself to be provoked. The prophet (pbuh), as reported by Bukhari, said: “If someone fights or insults you, say, ‘I am fasting, I am fasting.’ By this you display the virtues of Islam in general and fasting in particular.”

• The prophet (pbuh), as reported by Tirmidhi in a hadith, said: “The son of Adam fills no worse vessel than his stomach.” This means that one should not eat too much so that one could perform good deeds.

• Tirmidhi reported in a hadith that the Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whoever gives food to someone for breaking his fast will receive a reward equal to his without detracting in the slightest from the reward of the fasting person.” This enjoins all believers to feed those that fast.

• As Bukhari and Muslim reported, generosity is a Ramadan virtue. It could be demonstrated by sharing knowledge, giving money, or using one’s position of authority or physical strength to help others. Ibn Abbas said: “The messenger of Allah (pbuh) was the most generous of people (in doing good). He was most generous during Ramadan…..”

The above are some of the etiquettes of fasting, though not in any way exhaustive.

Permissible Deeds in Ramadan:

• The person that needs to break his/her fast to save someone whose life is in danger may do so, but should make up for it later. This could apply when someone is drowning, when fires need to be put out, etc.

• It is permissible for one to kiss, hug, embrace, touch, or repeatedly look at his wife or concubine provided he controls himself. Bukhari and Muslim reported A’isha (wife of the Prophet, pbuh) in a hadith as saying that the Prophet (pbuh) used to kiss and embrace his wives whilst he was fasting, but firmly controlled his desire. Therefore a person that easily gets aroused and cannot control himself or herself is forbidden to kiss or embrace the opposite sex while fasting, as that may lead him/her to break the fast and attract punishment.

• When the day breaks while a person is still in a state of janaba (impurity following sexual intercourse), the person’s fasting is not affected.

• If a person that is fasting has a wet dream while asleep, the person’s fasting is not affected. According to scholarly consensus (ijimaa), he/she must complete his/her fast.

• The emission of wadiy (a thick and sticky substance emitted on sense of physical pleasure) does not break the fast.

• According to a hadith reported by Tirmidhi, the Prophet (pbuh) said that, “whoever vomits unintentionally does not have to make up for the fast later on; but whoever vomits on purpose does have to make up for it.”

• If a person spits out water after rinsing his/her mouth, the fasting is not affected by any moisture or wetness that is left because he cannot help that.

• Nose bleed does not break fasting because it is beyond one’s control.

• It is permissible to use siwaak (toothbrush) and is even Sunnah for the fasting person at all times of the day. If a person who is fasting uses siwaak, detecting and swallowing some taste from it does not break the fast.

• Smelling pleasant fragrances, using perfume or applying scented creams and the like is permissible during fasting.

• It is permissible for a fasting person to immerse himself or herself in water, wrap wet cloth over the body to cool down, or pour water over the head to obtain relief from heat. Swimming is to be avoided however because it might cause one to break the fast by swallowing water.

• If a person eats, drinks, or has intercourse thinking that it was still night but later realises that dawn had broken, no harm is done because such acts are permissible during the night. It would be an offence to carry out such acts deliberately however.

• If a person breaks his/her fast thinking that the sun had set when it had not, the person must refrain from eating until the sun sets but it would not be necessary to make up for the fast.

• Bukhari reported in a hadith that the Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whoever forgets while fasting and eats or drinks should complete his fast, for Allah has fed him and given him drink.” It is said in the Al-Hakim version however that “whoever breaks his fast forgetfully has no re-fasting or atonement for it.”

The above are some of the permissible deeds for a fasting person, though not in any way exhaustive.

Offences in Ramadan

• Anyone who eats, drinks, or engages in any other acts that break the fast – intentionally – between dawn and sunset during the month of Ramadan, has committed a grave sin (kabeera) and must repent before he dies. The punishment for this act is greater than kaffara (fasting for sixty consecutive days, feeding sixty needy people, or freeing a slave). Such a person must continue to seek Allah’s forgiveness and has to sincerely repent and execute more nawafil (voluntary worships) deeds, fasting, and other acts of worship to avoid shortfalls in his/her obligatory deeds, that Allah might accept his/her repentance.

• Having sexual intercourse during the day is a major offence during the month of Ramadan. Its punishment is either to fast sixty consecutive days, feed sixty needy people, or free a slave. Bukhari and Muslim reported in a hadith that the Prophet (pbuh) said to a man that had sexual intercourse with his wife during the day to fast for two consecutive months, or provide for sixty people – what will feed them at once, – or free a slave. If a person has intercourse during the day on more than one occasion during Ramadan, he must offer this expiation for each day as well as repeat the fast for each day.

• Uttering falsehood or taking any action in accordance with it or adjudged to be foolish could lead to the loss of the rewards of fasting. The Prophet (pbuh) said in a hadith reported by Bukhari that Allah has no need for a one that does not abandon falsehood or acts in accordance with it or foolishly to refrain from eating or drinking.

We pray to Allah to grant us His Rahma in this holy month. We pray to Him to heal all those that are suffering from one disease or the other, particularly our President, Muhammadu Buhari. May He take away all calamities and evils from our dear nation. 

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