Pesticides will force me out of business – Blacksmith

How long have you been into this trade? About 17 years ago, I volunteered to learn this trade in Taraba State because our parents could not send eight of us to school. Though someof my brothers are now in school, I do not regret my decision to learn this trade. What made you leave Taraba? […]

Pesticides will force me out of business – Blacksmith

How long have you been into this trade?
About 17 years ago, I volunteered to learn this trade in Taraba State because our parents could not send eight of us to school. Though someof my brothers are now in school, I do not regret my decision to learn this trade.

What made you leave Taraba?
You know there is this big status attached to Abuja. In my village, those that stay here are respected. I was just looking for where to stay after I left Taraba State. When I got to Abuja, I found here through a friend, and then I approached the chief who permitted  me to be working here two years ago.

How is the trade accepted here compared with Taraba?
Business here is better than in Taraba. Since I got here, I have enough to send to my parents in the village. Though, now the business is not booming as it used to.

Why is the business not booming?
People do not use most of the farming implements we are specialised in doing any more due to modern technology. Sometimes, all we could get is enough to eat. People now use chemicals to weed instead of hoes while some also use machines to make ridges. The profit we make sometimes is very small. For instance the metal used in making this hoe costs, N8,000 along with transportation cost. With that metal, I make N12, 000 from the hoes I produce with it, which could take more than one week. So how much is my gain? Very little.