PHOTOS: Bovi, Erica, Banky W turn up for Don Jazzy’s mother’s funeral

A number of Nigerian entertainers were at the burial of Don Jazzy’s mother, the popular Nigerian music producer. In July, Don Jazzy confirmed the demise of his mum who had been battling cancer. Kogi flood victims get N70m donation Queen’s College old girls launch N10bn endowment fund The funeral event took place in Lagos on […]

PHOTOS: Bovi, Erica, Banky W turn up for Don Jazzy’s mother’s funeral

A number of Nigerian entertainers were at the burial of Don Jazzy’s mother, the popular Nigerian music producer.

In July, Don Jazzy confirmed the demise of his mum who had been battling cancer.

The funeral event took place in Lagos on Friday, uniting Don Jazzy’s friends, family, and professional acquaintances.

Obi Cubana, Banky W, Mr Macaroni, M.I. Abaga, Pretty Mike, and Ayra Starr showed up for the veteran beatmaker’s event.

After his mother’s death, Don Jazzy was vocal about being engrossed in reflection on the essence of life.

“Experience is truly the best teacher. Before I thank everyone for their calls, visits, and messages, I need to first apologize to my friends and associates who lost loved ones and don’t think I was there enough for them. I know better now and sadly, I had to learn the hard way.

“Thank you everyone for your support over the last few days. It has meant the world to me. Funeral details will be shared once finalized. We will also share links so you can join us remotely from wherever you are,” he tweeted.

Also, at the burial was the Nigerian socialite, Pretty Mike, who performed a stunt with an all-female entourage in a male genitalia costume.

Onlookers could be seen dropping their jaws in shock as Mike led the ladies who were dressed in pants with male genitalia.

Mike’s move is the latest of such cases where the socialite would pull a shocking entry stunt and steal the spotlight.

See the photos below: