PHOTOS: Buhari welcomes great grandchild

President Muhammadu Buhari has welcomed his first great-grandchild. Aisha Mukhtar, his granddaughter, who got married to Khalid Wambai, in 2021, recently welcomed a baby girl. PHOTOS: Jonathan joins Buhari, Osinbajo on last Independence Day in office VIDEOS: Drama as Atiku rocks Davido’s song, Tinubu hits treadmill Aisha is the daughter of Hajiya Fatima, President Buhari’s second […]

PHOTOS: Buhari welcomes great grandchild

President Muhammadu Buhari has welcomed his first great-grandchild.

Aisha Mukhtar, his granddaughter, who got married to Khalid Wambai, in 2021, recently welcomed a baby girl.

Aisha is the daughter of Hajiya Fatima, President Buhari’s second daughter, and a board member of the Chartered Institute of Forensics and Certified Fraud Examiners of Nigeria (CIFCFEN).

Buhari is blessed with 10 children, two of whom are deceased. He was earlier married to Safinatu Yusuf in 1971 and got divorced in 1988. The union was blessed with five kids.

Buhari later got married in 1989, to Aisha, the current the First Lady of Nigeria.

Below are pictures of the president, his granddaughter, great grand child and in-law.

Photo credit: Linda Ikeji blog