PHOTOS: Buhari, wife, kids get warm reception at Malabo

President Muhammadu Buhari, on Thursday, departed for Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, to participate in African Union Extra-ordinary Session of Assembly of Heads of State and Government with special focus on security. The President was accompanied by Aisha, his wife, and daughters. FRANK TALK: Handling infidelity in marriage Adamawa Senator beats Ribadu, Bindow to APC guber ticket […]

PHOTOS: Buhari, wife, kids get warm reception at Malabo

President Muhammadu Buhari, on Thursday, departed for Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, to participate in African Union Extra-ordinary Session of Assembly of Heads of State and Government with special focus on security.

The President was accompanied by Aisha, his wife, and daughters.

The Nigerian First Lady shared pictures of the trip on her verified social media pages.

  • “Arrived Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, yesterday, for the African Union Extraordinary Summit And Pledging Conference, to deliver statement on peace building and to explore, in my capacity as President of the African First Ladies Peace Mission, possible collaboration with relevant stakeholders.

“We were welcomed by the host President, H.E, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo and the First Lady, H.E, Constancia Mangue.” She wrote.