PHOTOS: Children of Lagos NURTW boss graduate from American Varsities

The twin children of Alhaji Musiliu Akinsanya, Lagos chairman of the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) popularly known as MC Oluomo, have bagged degrees from different universities in the United States of America. While Kehinde bagged a B.Sc in Healthcare Administration from Albany State University, his twin sister Taiye bagged a Bachelor of […]

PHOTOS: Children of Lagos NURTW boss graduate from American Varsities

The twin children of Alhaji Musiliu Akinsanya, Lagos chairman of the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) popularly known as MC Oluomo, have bagged degrees from different universities in the United States of America.

While Kehinde bagged a B.Sc in Healthcare Administration from Albany State University, his twin sister Taiye bagged a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and a minor in Management from Columbus State University.

The twins took to Instagram celebrate the milestone.

Below are photos from their graduation.