PHOTOS: Dangote, Lawan, governors storm Borno as IGP’s son weds

Governors Muhammad Badaru Abubakar (Jigawa) and Governor, Mai Mala Buni (Yobe) joined their Borno counterpart, Professor Babagana Zulum, for the wedding of Maina Alkali Usman, son of the Inspector-General of Police (IGP), on Saturday. The wedding Fatiha, which held at the palace of the Shehu of Borno, HRH Abubakar Ibn Umar Garbai El-Kanemi, also had […]

PHOTOS: Dangote, Lawan, governors storm Borno as IGP’s son weds

Governors Muhammad Badaru Abubakar (Jigawa) and Governor, Mai Mala Buni (Yobe) joined their Borno counterpart, Professor Babagana Zulum, for the wedding of Maina Alkali Usman, son of the Inspector-General of Police (IGP), on Saturday.

The wedding Fatiha, which held at the palace of the Shehu of Borno, HRH Abubakar Ibn Umar Garbai El-Kanemi, also had in attendance, Senate President Ahmad Lawan; Senator Kashim Shettima, former governor of Borno; Minister of Aviation, Hadi Sirika; Africa’s Richest Man, Aliko Dangote, among other dignitaries.

Below are pictures: