PHOTOS: Davido, Chioma release hot pre-wedding shots

Music star, David Adeleke, better known as Davido, and Chioma Rowland, his soon to be wife, have released their pre-wedding pictures. The pictures which were released 48 hours to their wedding have literarily set the internet on fire. On X, formerly Twitter, the pictures were retweeted over 11,000 times in less than an hour. Celebrities […]

PHOTOS: Davido, Chioma release hot pre-wedding shots

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Music star, David Adeleke, better known as Davido, and Chioma Rowland, his soon to be wife, have released their pre-wedding pictures.

The pictures which were released 48 hours to their wedding have literarily set the internet on fire.

On X, formerly Twitter, the pictures were retweeted over 11,000 times in less than an hour.

Celebrities and different categories of people have been looking forward to the wedding which has become the talk of town.

Two days ago Pascal Okechukwu, a member of Davido’s 30 billion gang, who is popularly known as Cubana Chief Priest, posted a video of the music star and Chioma who displayed her engagement ring.

Responding, Davido had claimed the ring was worth two or three Rolls Royce cars.

“That is two, three Rolls Royces right there,” Davido had said while laughing hysterically.“

Below are the pre-wedding pictures:

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