PHOTOS: El-Rufai’s son picks new wife

Bello El-Rufai, son Governor Nasir El-Rufai, has married Aisha Habibu Shuaibu, daughter of former Military Administrator for Plateau and Niger States, Col. Habibu Shuaibu. The couple got married in a private Nikah held in Abuja on Friday. Aisha is an entrepreneur who manages multiple businesses of her own while Bello is a member-elect representing Kaduna […]

PHOTOS: El-Rufai’s son picks new wife

Bello El-Rufai, son Governor Nasir El-Rufai, has married Aisha Habibu Shuaibu, daughter of former Military Administrator for Plateau and Niger States, Col. Habibu Shuaibu.

The couple got married in a private Nikah held in Abuja on Friday.

Aisha is an entrepreneur who manages multiple businesses of her own while Bello is a member-elect representing Kaduna North in the House of Representatives.

The wedding will be celebrated with events in the coming month.

Bello had got married to Kamilah in 2015.

See photos below