PHOTOS: FG Delegation Visits family of Pa Akinkunmi, National flag designer

A Federal Government delegation visited the family of the designer of Nigerian flag, Mr Taiwo Akinkunmi, at his Ibadan, Oyo State residence, on Monday. Akinkunmi died at the age of 87 on August 30 2023. Nigerian singer: I’d share my Niger Republic prison experience in my new song Headies 2023: Ayrastarr knocks award organisers for […]

PHOTOS: FG Delegation Visits family of Pa Akinkunmi, National flag designer

A Federal Government delegation visited the family of the designer of Nigerian flag, Mr Taiwo Akinkunmi, at his Ibadan, Oyo State residence, on Monday.

Akinkunmi died at the age of 87 on August 30 2023.

Minister of Information and National Orientation, Alhaji Mohammed Idris, who led the delegation, described Akinkunmi as an iconic individual who designed one of the most important symbols of our collective existence as a country and a nation.

See the pictures below: